Trans Legislation Tracker

New Mexico

We are tracking 8 anti-trans bills in New Mexico in 2025. The legislation impacts 5 categories:






NM HB185


Protection Of Women's Sports Act

An individual who competes in any sport, athletic competition or athletic event designated for females, women or girls must be biologically female. The sex listed on a participant's birth certificate may be relied on to establish the participant's eligibility pursuant to this section if the sex designated on the birth certificate was designated at or near the time of the participant's birth.

NM HB380


Women's Safety & Protection Act

No state agency or other arm of the state shall prohibit distinctions between the sexes with respect to athletics, correctional facilities, juvenile detention facilities, domestic violence shelters or other accommodations where biology, safety or privacy are implicated that result in separate accommodations that are substantially related to the important government interest of protecting the health, safety and privacy of individuals in such circumstances.

NM HB466


Hormone Therapy & Puberty Blocker Protection

A health care provider or a public body shall not knowingly perform or offer to perform on a minor, or administer or offer to administer to a minor, a medical procedure if the purpose of the performance or administration of the medical procedure is to: (1) enable the minor to identify with, or live or present as, a purported identity inconsistent with that minor's sex; or (2) treat the minor's purported discomfort or distress from a discordance between the minor's sex and the minor's asserted or perceived identity.

NM HB501


School Reporting Of Gender Incongruence

A school employee shall immediately report to a school administrator if a student: (1) expresses to the school employee that the student is experiencing gender incongruence; or (2) requests that the school employee participate in: (a) social affirmation of the student's gender incongruence; or (b) the student's transition to a sex or gender different from the student's biological sex while at school.

NM HB543


Parental Consent For Minor's Health Care

Nothing in the Reproductive and Gender-Affirming Health Care Freedom Act shall be construed to allow a minor to receive gender-affirming health care or reproductive health care without parental consent.

NM HB559


Gender Identity & Child Custody

In awarding custody of a minor [...] the court shall not: (1) consider a parent's gender affirmation of the parent's child's gender identity when the child's gender identity is incongruent with the child's sex; (2) consider a parent's decision to not affirm a child's gender identity or a parent's decision to not provide gender-affirming health care or gender-affirming mental health care for the parent's child; and (3) determine that a parent's decision not to provide gender-affirming health care or gender-affirming mental health care for the parent's child is: (a) detrimental to the child's health, safety and welfare; (b) an inadequate provision for the child's needs, care or nurturance consistent with the child's physical and psychological development; (c) abuse, as defined in the Abuse and Neglect Act; (d) a lack of a safe environment; (e) inadequate provision of health care; (f) inadequate guidance; (g) a lack of moral fitness; (h) a detrimental attitude toward the child; (i) an inability for the parent to foster a positive, loving relationship with the child; or (j) an inability for the parent to bond with the child.

NM SB459


Protection Of Women's Sports Act

All public educational institutions and athletic clubs that participate in athletic competitions [...] must designate each athletic team [...] as a: (1) team, sport, competition or event for males, men or boys; (2) team, sport, competition or event for females, women or girls; or (3) a coeducational or mixed team, sport, competition or event. [...] An individual who competes in any sport, athletic competition or athletic event designated for females, women or girls must be biologically female. The sex listed on a participant's birth certificate may be relied on to establish the participant's eligibility pursuant to this section if the sex designated on the birth certificate was designated at or near the time of the participant's birth.

NM SB500


Detransitioner Protection Act

A health care provider or public body shall not provide a gender transition procedure on or provide gender transition information to a minor.