Trans Legislation Tracker


We are tracking 30 anti-trans bills in Oklahoma in 2025. The legislation impacts 7 categories:








OK HB1219


State government; state funds; display of flags; effective date; emergency.

No funds may be used by any agency to develop, organize, administer, engage in, promote, or endorse any activity, including any event, initiative, official communication, social media post, educational program, or public campaign, that aims to promote or recognize Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex Pride Month or any event with a similar theme.

OK HB1224


Health care; defining terms; granting certain protections to health care institutions and health care payors; civil actions; discrimination; protections; effective date.

A religious medical practitioner, health care institution, or health care payor that holds itself out to the public as religious, states in its governing documents that it has a religious purpose or mission, and has internal operating policies or procedures that implement its religious beliefs, shall have the right to make employment, staffing, contracting, and admitting privilege decisions consistent with its religious beliefs.

OK HB1225


Vital records; amendment of certificate or records; biological sex; effective date.

The biological sex designation denoted to a child at birth on the certificate of birth shall not be amended.

OK HB1289


Higher education; Academic Loyalty Oath Ban; prohibition of ideological oaths; right of action; effective date; emergency.

A new section of law to be codified in the Oklahoma Statutes as Section 9504 of Title 70, unless there is created a duplication in numbering, reads as follows: A. Neither an institution of higher education nor an institutional review board associated with an institution of higher education may: [...] 2. Compel, require, induce, or solicit any applicant, employee, student or contractor to provide a communication, written or oral, relating to: [...] b. the applicant's, employee's, student's, or contractor's views on, experience with, or past or planned contributions to [...] efforts involving diversity, equity, and inclusion, marginalized groups, anti-racism, social justice, intersectionality, or related concepts, or c. the applicant's, employee's, student's, or contractor's views on or experience with race, color, ethnicity, national origin, or other immutable characteristics of students and co-workers;

OK HB1344


Prescriptions for off-label medications; terms; moral, ethical, or religious exemptions; immunity from liability; good- faith effort; temporary privileges; at-home and outpatient dispensing; disciplinary action; exceptions; World Health Organization; effective date.

A pharmacist shall dispense, and a hospital or inpatient facility shall allow the dispensing of, an off-label drug to a patient if a prescriber has issued for the patient a prescription for the drug as described in subsection B of this section, except if [...] the pharmacist, hospital, or inpatient facility has a moral, ethical, or religious belief or conviction that conflicts with the drug's dispensing.

OK HB1361


Schools; definitions; prohibiting school personnel and students from requesting and using certain pronouns or alternate names in certain situations; effective date; emergency.

School personnel shall not: 1. Ask a student to address them by a pronoun or alternate name that is inconsistent with the school personnel's biological sex without written permission from the student's parent or legal guardian; 2. Ask a student what his or her preferred pronoun or alternate name is without written permission from the student's parent or guardian; and 3. Refer to a student by a pronoun or alternate name that is inconsistent with the student's assigned sex at birth without written permission from the student's parent or legal guardian.

OK HB1688


Vital records; vital statistics; definition; corrections; birth certificates; death certificates; fetal death certificates; effective date; emergency.

The biological sex designation denoted to a child at birth on the certificate of birth shall not be amended.

OK HB1964


Parental rights; Parents' Bill of Rights; private right of action; review; materials; object; opt in; fine; violation; term; effective date.

The board of education of a school district, in consultation with parents, teachers and administrators, shall develop and adopt a policy [...] including: Procedures by which parents will be notified in advance of and required to opt their children in to any instruction or presentations regarding morality, any social and emotional learning program, religion, race, gender, including gender identity, or sexuality in courses other than formal sex education curricula. [...] Procedures by which parents who object to any academic or nonacademic learning material, any academic or nonacademic school programs or activities, or any academic or nonacademic instruction on the basis that it is harmful may withdraw their children from the activity or from the class or program in which the material is used. Objection to any learning material , activity, or instruction on the basis that it is harmful includes objection to a material or activity because it questions beliefs or practices in sex, morality or, religion, race, or gender, including gender identity; [...] Procedures by which parents will be notified in advance of and required to opt their children in to any instruction or presentations regarding morality, any social and emotional learning program, religion, race, gender, including gender identity, or sexuality in courses other than formal sex education curricula. [...] Procedures by which parents must provide prior written consent to a student's participation in any classroom activities or courses that promote or require a student to accept a particular ideological, philosophical, or political belief or principle, including activities related to or associated with a school's diversity, equity, or inclusion plan;

OK HB2149


Torts; limitation of action; body dysmorphia affirmation procedures; effective date.

An Act relating to torts; defining term; creating limitation of action for body dysmorphia affirmation procedures; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

OK HR1002


Resolution; House Rules.

(c) Only a person born as a biological female shall be allowed into any restroom facility which is designated for female members of the Oklahoma House of Representatives, except as authorized for the operations of the House.

OK SB1002


Gender transition procedures; prohibiting certain use of public funds; providing penalties. Effective date. Emergency.

Public funds shall not be directly or indirectly used, granted, paid, or distributed to any entity, organization, health care provider, or individual that provides or refers for gender transition procedures.

OK SB1049


Health care; creating the Wrongful Life Act; prohibiting certain services on a minor; authorizing certain civil actions and damages. Effective date.

A physician or other health care professional shall not prescribe to or perform on any individual under eighteen (18) years of age: 1. Gender transition surgery; 2. Hormone therapy; or 3. Puberty-blocking drugs, unless such drugs are medically necessary. For the purpose of this paragraph, a gender transition shall not constitute medical necessity.


Financial services; creating the Financial Services Freedom Act. Effective date.

The Financial Services Freedom Act protects consumers by providing transparency and safeguarding against politicized debanking. The bill prohibits large banks and payment processors from discriminating against customers because of their religious or political speech or views, among other criteria often flagged as part of a social credit score. [...] “Social credit score” means any analysis, rating, scoring, list, or tabulation that evaluates the following: [...] failure or refusal to facilitate or assist employees in obtaining abortions or gender reassignment services

OK SB210


Child care; requiring child care facilities to ensure absence of certain content in specified materials; making noncompliant facilities ineligible for certain funding. Effective date.

A child care facility that receives funding through the Department of Human Services including, but not limited to, through the child care subsidy program shall ensure that no print or nonprint materials or multimedia resources located on the premises of the facility contain any content related to sexual orientation or gender identity.

OK SB211


Child care; requiring child care facilities to ensure absence of certain content in specified materials; providing for corrective and administrative action. Effective date.

A licensed child care facility shall ensure that no print or nonprint materials or multimedia resources located on the premises of the facility contain any content related to sexual orientation or gender identity.

OK SB348


Schools; directing responsibility for content of all instructional materials; requiring adoption of policy for objections to use of specific materials. Effective date. Emergency.

When recommending textbooks, each review team shall: a. include only textbooks and instructional materials that maintain that a person’s sex [...] is an immutable biological trait and that it is false to ascribe to a person a pronoun that does not correspond to a person’s sex.

OK SB413


Schools; creating the Oklahoma Sexual Education Reform and Parental Rights Protection Act; requiring written consent for a student to participate in certain instruction. Effective date. Emergency.

A. The board of education of a school district [...] shall develop and adopt a policy [...] including: 3. Procedures by which parents who object to any learning material or activity on the basis that it is harmful may withdraw their children [...] Objection to a learning material or activity on the basis that it is harmful includes objection to a material or activity because it questions beliefs or practices in sex, morality, or religion;

OK SB418


Department of Corrections; requiring certain designation for certain persons. Effective date.

Every restroom, changing room, or sleeping quarters within a covered entity that is designated for use by females or males shall only be used by members of the designated sex. No individual shall enter a restroom, changing room, or sleeping quarters that is designated for members of the opposite sex except for an employee of the covered entity.

OK SB550


Crimes and punishment; making certain acts unlawful. Emergency.

“Adult cabaret performance” means a performance in a location, other than an adult cabaret, that features topless dancers, go-go dancers, exotic dancers, strippers, drag performers, or similar entertainers, whose performance is harmful to minors

OK SB591


Education; creating the Free to Speak Act; prohibiting public school and certain institution of higher learning employees from addressing certain students in certain manner. Effective date. Emergency.

An employee of a public school or institution of higher learning, regardless of the scope of his or her official duties: 1. Shall not knowingly and intentionally address an unemancipated minor student by a name other than the student's legal name, or a derivative thereof, or by a pronoun or title that is inconsistent with the student's sex without the written permission of a student's parent or legal guardian;


Oklahoma Children's Code; prohibiting certain actions by the Department of Human Services in relation to adoptive and foster parents. Effective date.

The Department of Human Services shall not: 1. Require any current or prospective adoptive or foster parent to affirm, accept, or support any government policy regarding sexual orientation or gender identity that conflicts with the parent’s sincerely held religious or moral beliefs as a condition for eligibility to adopt or foster; 2. Deny a current or prospective adoptive or foster parent any authorization necessary to be eligible to adopt or foster based, in whole or in part, upon the parent’s sincerely held religious or moral beliefs, or intent to guide, instruct, or raise a child consistent with those beliefs, regarding sexual orientation or gender identity; or 3. Establish or enforce any standard, rule, or policy that precludes consideration of a current or prospective adoptive or foster parent for any particular placement based, in whole or in part, upon the parent’s sincerely held religious or moral beliefs regarding sexual orientation or gender identity.

OK SB665


Freedom of conscience; creating the Medical Ethics Defense Act; granting certain rights and protections to certain medical practitioners, healthcare institutions, or healthcare payers. Effective date.

A medical practitioner, healthcare institution, or healthcare payer has the right not to participate in or pay for any medical procedure or service which violates his, her, or its conscience.

OK SB749


Higher education; creating the Oklahoma Higher Education Freedom of Expression and Transparency Act. Effective date. Emergency.

The Legislature finds that: [...] Increased institutional transparency and oversight are needed to lessen the risk of diminished excellence resulting from the imposition or advocacy of divisive concepts. [...] Positively or negatively incentivizing, informally pressuring, or otherwise compelling students or employees of institutions of higher education within The Oklahoma State System of Higher Education to embrace divisive concepts is contrary to the mutual respect and collegial processes essential to the free exchange of ideas;

OK SB759


Schools; amending the Parents' Bill of Rights. Emergency.

Procedures by which parents will be notified in advance of and given the opportunity to approve, in writing, the participation of their children in any instruction or presentations on sexual orientation or gender identity. In the absence of written consent from a parent, a child shall be considered automatically withdrawn from instruction or presentations on sexual orientation or gender identity.

OK SB796


Higher education; prohibiting certain activities related to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Effective date. Emergency.

No institution of higher education within The Oklahoma State System of Higher Education shall utilize state funds, property, or resources to: 1. Grant or support diversity, equity, and inclusion positions, departments, activities, procedures, or programs [...] 2. Mandate any person to participate in, listen to, or receive any education, training, activities, procedures, or programming [...] 5. Mandate any applicant for employment provide a diversity, equity, and inclusion statement or give any applicant for employment preferential consideration based on the provision of such a diversity, equity, and inclusion statement; or 6. Mandate any person to disclose his or her pronouns.

OK SB845


Higher education; directing institution of higher education governing boards to ensure certain actions related to diversity, equity, and inclusion do not occur. Effective date. Emergency.

An Act relating to higher education; defining terms; directing institution of higher education governing boards to ensure certain actions related to diversity, equity, and inclusion do not occur

OK SB846


Higher education; creating the Stop DEI Act; prohibiting an institution of higher education from requiring, soliciting, or incentivizing participation in certain practices or content. Effective date. Emergency.

An institution of higher education or any employee, appointee, or committee acting on behalf [...] may not require, solicit, or incentivize faculty to apply or participate in DEI-CRT practices or include DEI-CRT related content in any course as a condition of approval, designation, or listing as part of any academic degree program including general education, major, minor, or certificate requirements or as a condition of consideration in any faculty member’s performance assessment, promotion, tenure, salary adjustment, or any other incentive, except as provided for in subsection E of this section.

OK SB847


Schools; prohibiting a school district or charter school from compelling use of certain pronoun; providing for monitoring of compliance. Effective date. Emergency.

No school district or charter school in this state shall compel an employee or volunteer to refer to a student with a pronoun other than that which corresponds to the student’s biological sex. For the purposes of this section, “biological sex” means the physical condition of being male or female based on genetics and physiology as identified on the student’s original birth certificate.

OK SB848


Education funding; creating the Oklahoma Independent Education Act; requiring development of plan to phase out acceptance and use of certain federal funds. Effective date. Emergency.

No school district or public charter school in this state shall use, or be forced to use through intimidation or threat by the United States Department of Education, private, state, or federal funds to develop, organize, administer, engage in, promote, or endorse any activity including any event, initiative, official communication, social media post, educational program, or public campaign, that aims to promote or recognize sexual orientation or gender identity.

OK SB959


Health care; granting certain rights and protections to health care institutions and payors; prohibiting certain discrimination and adverse actions. Effective date.

A health care institution or health care payor may not be required to participate in or pay for a health care service that violates the health care institution’s or health care payor’s conscience, including by permitting the use of its facilities.