Trans Legislation Tracker


We are tracking 20 anti-trans bills in Idaho in 2025. The legislation impacts 7 categories:








ID H0010


Adds to existing law to allow public schools to display only certain flags and banners on school property and to prohibit schools from displaying certain flags and banners.

EDUCATION -- Adds to existing law to allow public schools to display only certain flags and banners on school property and to prohibit schools from displaying certain flags and banners.

No flags or banners shall be displayed by a public elementary school or public secondary school that represent a political viewpoint, including but not limited to flags or banners regarding a political party, race, sexual orientation, gender, or a political ideology.

ID H0041


Adds to existing law to allow public schools to display only certain flags and banners on school property and to prohibit schools from displaying certain flags and banners.

EDUCATION -- Adds to existing law to allow public schools to display only certain flags and banners on school property and to prohibit schools from displaying certain flags and banners.

No flags or banners shall be displayed by a public elementary school or public secondary school that represent a political viewpoint, including but not limited to flags or banners regarding a [...] sexual orientation, gender.

ID H0049


Adds to existing law to establish provisions regarding safety and privacy in certain covered entities and to provide for remedies.

SAFETY AND PRIVACY -- Adds to existing law to establish provisions regarding safety and privacy in certain covered entities and to provide for remedies.

PURPOSE. The purposes of this chapter are: (1) To clarify the meaning of sex, male, and female in state law; and (2) To preserve order and dignity in women's restrooms, changing rooms, and sleeping quarters for women in facilities where women have been traditionally afforded privacy and safety from acts of abuse, harassment, sexual assault, and violence committed by men.

ID H0059


Adds to existing law to establish the Medical Ethics Defense Act.

MEDICAL ETHICS DEFENSE ACT -- Adds to existing law to establish the Medical Ethics Defense Act.

No health care professional, health care institution, or health care payer should be required to participate in or pay for any medical procedure, treatment, or service, or prescribe or pay for any medication, to which he objects on the basis of conscience, whether such conscience is informed by religious, moral, or ethical beliefs or principles. [...] "Conscience" means the ethical, moral, or religious beliefs or principles held by any health care provider. Conscience with respect to institutional entities or corporate bodies, as opposed to individual persons, is determined by reference to that entity's or body's governing documents, including but not limited to any published ethical, moral, or religious guidelines or directives, mission statements, constitutions, articles of incorporation, bylaws, policies, or regulations.

ID H0138


Amends existing law to require certain federal waivers for continued medicaid expansion eligibility.

MEDICAID -- Amends existing law to require certain federal waivers for continued medicaid expansion eligibility.

The state shall not implement or execute any state plan that expands medicaid eligibility to include those persons under sixty-five (65) years of age [...] for any other coverage under the state plan [...] unless all of the following conditions are met: [...] (k) The department implements a policy requiring that no funds shall be used to fulfill any gender reassignment procedures, including treatment and surgery for any resident eighteen (18) years of age or older. Should a court impose the requirements of gender reassignment for medicaid participants, it shall be considered a violation of the conditions of the state plan.

ID H0179


Amends existing law to revise provisions regarding instruction in sex education and to provide for restrictions on instruction in human sexuality.

EDUCATION -- Amends existing law to revise provisions regarding instruction in sex education and to provide for restrictions on instruction in human sexuality.

Prior to any child attending instruction that addresses human sexuality [...] the school district offering such instruction shall notify parents and legal guardians [...] no less than two (2) weeks before the date that such instruction. [...] The school district shall not permit any child to attend such instruction unless the parent or legal guardian of such child submits a signed and written permission form, within one (1) week of the commencement of the instruction.

ID H0190


Adds to existing law to establish provisions regarding safety and privacy in certain covered entities and to provide for remedies.

PROTECTING THE PRIVACY OF WOMEN -- Adds to existing law to establish provisions regarding safety and privacy in certain covered entities and to provide for remedies.

SAFETY AND PRIVACY IN COVERED ENTITIES. (1) Any covered entity shall designate each multi-occupancy restroom, changing room, and sleeping quarters for the exclusive use by either females or males. (2) Every restroom, changing room, or sleeping quarters within a covered entity that is designated for females or males shall only be used by members of that sex. No individual shall enter a restroom, changing room, or sleeping quarters that is designated for females or males unless such individual is a member of that sex. (3) A covered entity shall take reasonable steps to provide individuals with privacy in restrooms, changing rooms, and sleeping quarters from members of the opposite sex

ID H0230


Adds to existing law to establish provisions regarding a civil action following an indecent sexual exhibition.

INDECENT SEXUAL EXHIBITIONS AND CIVIL ACTIONS -- Adds to existing law to establish provisions regarding a civil action following an indecent sexual exhibition.

Sexually explicit shows, exhibitions, or performances when children are present, like material harmful to minors, are a "contributing factor to crime, to juvenile crime, and also a basic factor in impairing the ethical and moral development of our youth" [...] Time, place, and manner regulations on indecent live shows, exhibitions, or performances that both involve sexual conduct and are patently offensive to an average person applying contemporary community standards in the adult community as a whole with respect to what is suitable for minors are constitutionally permissible when there is a reasonable risk that children may be in the audience and alternative avenues of communication still exist.

ID H0239


Amends and adds to existing law to establish provisions requiring permission for instruction addressing human sexuality.

EDUCATION -- Amends and adds to existing law to establish provisions requiring permission for instruction addressing human sexuality.

"Human sexuality" means sexual conduct, sexual pleasure, sexual intimacy, sexual abuse, sexual violence, eroticism, pornography, deviant sexual behavior, sexual attraction, sexual orientation, or any form of sexual identity, gender identity, gender ideology, or gender conversion.

ID H0264


Adds to existing law to establish provisions regarding safety and privacy in certain covered entities and to provide for remedies.

PROTECTING THE PRIVACY OF WOMEN -- Adds to existing law to establish provisions regarding safety and privacy in certain covered entities and to provide for remedies.

SAFETY AND PRIVACY IN COVERED ENTITIES. (1) Any covered entity shall designate each multi-occupancy restroom, changing room, and sleeping quarters for the exclusive use by either females or males. (2) Every restroom, changing room, or sleeping quarters within a covered entity that is designated for females or males shall only be used by members of that sex. No individual shall enter a restroom, changing room, or sleeping quarters that is designated for females or males unless such individual is a member of that sex. (3) A covered entity shall take reasonable steps to provide individuals with privacy in restrooms, changing rooms, and sleeping quarters from members of the opposite sex

ID H0292


Amends existing law to revise provisions regarding parental rights in education.

EDUCATION -- Amends existing law to revise provisions regarding parental rights in education.

A public school shall be required to adopt procedures and policies that prohibit classroom instruction by public school personnel on sexual orientation or gender identity from kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards.

ID H0328


Amends, repeals, and adds to existing law to provide that legislative approval is required for certain state plan amendments and waivers and to provide legislative approval for certain state plan amendments and waivers.

MEDICAID -- Amends, repeals, and adds to existing law to provide that legislative approval is required for certain state plan amendments and waivers and to provide legislative approval for certain state plan amendments and waivers.

MEDICAID EXPANSION LIMITS. [...] Implement the following changes to benefits: [...] No funds shall be used to fulfill any gender reassignment procedures, including treatment and surgery for any resident eighteen (18) years of age or older.

ID H0345


Amends, repeals, and adds to existing law to provide that legislative approval is required for certain state plan amendments and waivers and to provide legislative approval for certain state plan amendments and waivers.

MEDICAID -- Amends, repeals, and adds to existing law to provide that legislative approval is required for certain state plan amendments and waivers and to provide legislative approval for certain state plan amendments and waivers.

MEDICAID EXPANSION LIMITS. (1) The department of health and welfare is authorized to and shall submit to the centers for medicare and medicaid services the following state plan amendments and waivers no later than July 1, 2026: [...] (d) Implement the following changes to benefits: [...] (ii) No funds shall be used to fulfill any gender reassignment procedures, including treatment and surgery for any resident eighteen (18) years of age or older.

ID H0352


Amends existing law to revise provisions regarding parental rights in education.

EDUCATION -- Amends existing law to revise provisions regarding parental rights in education.

A public school shall be required to adopt procedures and policies that prohibit classroom instruction by public school personnel on sexual orientation or gender identity from kindergarten through grade 12.



States findings of the Legislature and provides for commendation of the Boise State University women's volleyball team.

BOISE STATE VOLLEYBALL -- States findings of the Legislature and provides for commendation of the Boise State University women's volleyball team.

The Legislature commends the Boise State University women's volleyball team for its principled stand in defending the integrity of women's athletics [...] and reaffirms [...] the Idaho Fairness in Women's Sports Act, and Governor Little's Executive Order 2024-08, which demonstrate Idaho's unwavering dedication to preserving fairness, equality, and the integrity of women's sports.



States findings of the Legislature and calls upon the Supreme Court of the United States to reverse the decision in Obergefell v. Hodges and restore the natural definition of marriage, a union of one man and one woman.

MARRIAGE -- States findings of the Legislature and calls upon the Supreme Court of the United States to reverse the decision in Obergefell v. Hodges and restore the natural definition of marriage, a union of one man and one woman.

WHEREAS, when the framers proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence that "all men are created equal" and "endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights," they referred to a vision of mankind in which all humans are created in the image of God and therefore of inherent worth; and WHEREAS, Obergefell undermines this vision by declaring that citizens must seek dignity from the state; and [...] WHEREAS, Obergefell's inversion of the original meaning of liberty causes collateral damage to other aspects of our constitutional order that protect liberty, including religious liberty;

ID S1027


Adds to existing law to provide for transparency in financial services.

TRANSPARENCY IN FINANCIAL SERVICES -- Adds to existing law to provide for transparency in financial services.

A financial institution shall not: (a) Discriminate in the provision of financial services to a person; [...] "Discriminate in the provision of financial services" means utilizing a social credit score to directly or indirectly decline to provide full and equal enjoyment in the provision of financial services. [...] "Social credit score" means any analysis, rating, scoring, list, or tabulation that evaluates any of the following: [...] (iv) Any person's failure or refusal to conduct any type of racial, diversity, or gender audit or disclosure or to provide any sort of quota, preference, or benefit based, in whole or in part, on race, diversity, or gender beyond what is required by applicable law; (v) Any person's failure or refusal to facilitate or assist employees in obtaining abortions or gender reassignment services;

ID S1048


Adds to existing law to establish provisions to ensure freedom of inquiry in higher education.

EDUCATION -- Adds to existing law to establish provisions to ensure freedom of inquiry in higher education.

No institution of higher education in the state of Idaho, or any employee, appointee, or committee acting on behalf of an institution of higher education, shall: [...] (c) Establish, sustain, support, or staff a diversity, equity, and inclusion office or department; or contract, employ, engage, or hire an individual to serve as a diversity, equity, and inclusion officer or consultant.

ID S1123


Adds to existing law to establish provisions regarding prohibited acts in higher education.

EDUCATION -- Adds to existing law to establish provisions regarding prohibited acts in higher education.

Institutions of higher education [...] (a) Shall not establish or maintain a central office, policy, procedure, or initiative that promotes DEI ideology; [...] (d) Shall ensure that no student resource center or student success center serves students based on DEI ideology; (e) Shall not require employees or students to declare gender identity or preferred gender pronouns in any form of communication;


States findings of the Legislature and recognizes Mother's Day through Father's Day as Traditional Family Values Month to raise awareness about the challenges facing traditional families and the alarming rate at which the traditional American family is declining.

TRADITIONAL FAMILY VALUES MONTH -- States findings of the Legislature and recognizes Mother's Day through Father's Day as Traditional Family Values Month to raise awareness about the challenges facing traditional families and the alarming rate at which the traditional American family is declining.

WHEREAS, research demonstrates children who grow up in families with traditional values and gender roles are more likely to have traditional values and gender role expectations themselves;