Trans Legislation Tracker

What anti-trans bills passed in 2025?

42 bills

This year, 42 bills have already passed. Of those, 38 have been signed into law. 4 others have passed, but haven't yet been vetoed or signed.


18 states

AlabamaArkansasIowaIdahoKansasKentuckyMichiganMississippiMontanaNorth DakotaOhioOklahomaSouth DakotaTennesseeUtahVirginiaWest VirginiaWyoming

2 vetoed

So far this year, 2 bills passed and subsequently vetoed. These bills are not included in our passed bills count. In cases where a veto is overridden, bills will be labeled passed and included in the passed bills count.

Passed bills



Sex-based terms, defined; vital statistics, report sex as male or female at birth required, legislative policy regarding sex and gender identity established

The following words, whenever they appear in this code, have the following meanings unless otherwise apparent from the context or otherwise explicitly defined: (1) BOY. A human male who has not yet reached adulthood. (2) FATHER. The male parent of a child or children. (3) FEMALE. When used in reference to a natural person, an individual who has, had, will have, or would have, but for a developmental anomaly, genetic anomaly, or accident, the reproductive system that at some point produces ova. (4) GIRL. A human female who has not yet reached adulthood. (6) MALE. When used in reference to a natural person, an individual who has, had, will have, or would have, but for a developmental anomaly, genetic anomaly, or accident, the reproductive system that at some point produces sperm. (7) MAN. An adult human of the male sex. (9) MOTHER. The female parent of a child or children.


To Ensure Responsible Fund Management; And To Amend The Uniform Prudent Management Of Institutional Funds Act (2006).

In managing and investing an institutional fund, an institution under § 28-69- 802(4)(B), including without limitation a two-year or four-year state supported institution of higher education, shall not: [...] Select any service provider that [...] participates in any initiative or organization that has a purpose or ambition for its signatories' or members' customers, investment portfolios, or portfolio companies, to be aligned with any of the following goals beyond what is required by controlling law: [...] (C) Providing access to or facilitating an abortion, gender-reassignment, or sex-reassignment medication or procedure;

AR HB1512


To Create The Arkansas Access Act; And To Amend Various Provisions Of The Arkansas Code As They Relate To Education In The State Of Arkansas.

When taking an action on the accreditation or renewal of accreditation of a state-supported institution of higher education, an accrediting agency shall not: (1) Base the accrediting decision in any way on a review or consideration of DEI; (2) Collect information related to DEI; (3) Include any requirement related to DEI, including without limitation requirement of a diversity statement from a state-supported institution of higher education or any employee or contractor of a state-supported institution of higher education;

AR SB246


To Create The Arkansas Access Act; And To Amend Various Provisions Of The Arkansas Code As They Relate To Education In The State Of Arkansas.

When taking an action on the accreditation or renewal of accreditation of a state-supported institution of higher education, an accrediting agency shall not: (1) Base the accrediting decision in any way on a review or consideration of DEI; (2) Collect information related to DEI; (3) Include any requirement related to DEI, including without limitation requirement of a diversity statement from a state-supported institution of higher education or any employee or contractor of a state-supported institution of higher education;


A bill for an act relating to sex and gender, including those and related terms for purposes of statutory construction, indications of a person's sex on certain vital records, gender identity under the Iowa civil rights Act, and school curricula related to gender theory. Effective date: 07/01/2025.

“Sex,” when used to classify or describe a natural person, means the state of being either male or female as observed or clinically verified at birth. [...] “female” means an individual who has, had, will have through the course of normal development, or would have but for a developmental anomaly, genetic anomaly, or accident, a reproductive system that at some point produces ova, and a “male” means an individual who has, had, will have through the course of normal development, or would have but for a developmental anomaly, genetic anomaly, or accident, a reproductive system that at some point produces sperm.

ID H0041


Adds to existing law to allow public schools to display only certain flags and banners on school property and to prohibit schools from displaying certain flags and banners.

EDUCATION -- Adds to existing law to allow public schools to display only certain flags and banners on school property and to prohibit schools from displaying certain flags and banners.

No flags or banners shall be displayed by a public elementary school or public secondary school that represent a political viewpoint, including but not limited to flags or banners regarding a [...] sexual orientation, gender.

ID H0059


Adds to existing law to establish the Medical Ethics Defense Act.

MEDICAL ETHICS DEFENSE ACT -- Adds to existing law to establish the Medical Ethics Defense Act.

No health care professional, health care institution, or health care payer should be required to participate in or pay for any medical procedure, treatment, or service, or prescribe or pay for any medication, to which he objects on the basis of conscience, whether such conscience is informed by religious, moral, or ethical beliefs or principles. [...] "Conscience" means the ethical, moral, or religious beliefs or principles held by any health care provider. Conscience with respect to institutional entities or corporate bodies, as opposed to individual persons, is determined by reference to that entity's or body's governing documents, including but not limited to any published ethical, moral, or religious guidelines or directives, mission statements, constitutions, articles of incorporation, bylaws, policies, or regulations.

ID H0345


Amends, repeals, and adds to existing law to provide that legislative approval is required for certain state plan amendments and waivers and to provide legislative approval for certain state plan amendments and waivers.

MEDICAID -- Amends, repeals, and adds to existing law to provide that legislative approval is required for certain state plan amendments and waivers and to provide legislative approval for certain state plan amendments and waivers.

MEDICAID EXPANSION LIMITS. (1) The department of health and welfare is authorized to and shall submit to the centers for medicare and medicaid services the following state plan amendments and waivers no later than July 1, 2026: [...] (d) Implement the following changes to benefits: [...] (ii) No funds shall be used to fulfill any gender reassignment procedures, including treatment and surgery for any resident eighteen (18) years of age or older.

ID H0352


Amends existing law to revise provisions regarding parental rights in education.

EDUCATION -- Amends existing law to revise provisions regarding parental rights in education.

A public school shall be required to adopt procedures and policies that prohibit classroom instruction by public school personnel on sexual orientation or gender identity from kindergarten through grade 12.



States findings of the Legislature and provides for commendation of the Boise State University women's volleyball team.

BOISE STATE VOLLEYBALL -- States findings of the Legislature and provides for commendation of the Boise State University women's volleyball team.

The Legislature commends the Boise State University women's volleyball team for its principled stand in defending the integrity of women's athletics [...] and reaffirms [...] the Idaho Fairness in Women's Sports Act, and Governor Little's Executive Order 2024-08, which demonstrate Idaho's unwavering dedication to preserving fairness, equality, and the integrity of women's sports.


Adds to existing law to provide for transparency in financial services.

TRANSPARENCY IN FINANCIAL SERVICES -- Adds to existing law to provide for transparency in financial services.

A financial institution shall not: (a) Discriminate in the provision of financial services to a person; [...] "Discriminate in the provision of financial services" means utilizing a social credit score to directly or indirectly decline to provide full and equal enjoyment in the provision of financial services. [...] "Social credit score" means any analysis, rating, scoring, list, or tabulation that evaluates any of the following: [...] (iv) Any person's failure or refusal to conduct any type of racial, diversity, or gender audit or disclosure or to provide any sort of quota, preference, or benefit based, in whole or in part, on race, diversity, or gender beyond what is required by applicable law; (v) Any person's failure or refusal to facilitate or assist employees in obtaining abortions or gender reassignment services;



Enacting the help not harm act, restricting use of state funds to promote gender transitioning, prohibiting healthcare providers from providing gender transition care to children whose gender identity is inconsistent with the child's sex, authorizing a civil cause of action against healthcare providers for providing such treatments, requiring professional discipline against a healthcare provider who performs such treatment, prohibiting professional liability insurance from covering damages for healthcare providers that provide gender transition treatment to children and adding violation of the act to the definition of unprofessional conduct for physicians.

Prohibiting healthcare providers from treating a child whose gender identity is inconsistent with the child's sex; authorizing a civil cause of action against healthcare providers for providing such treatments; restricting use of state funds to promote gender transitioning; prohibiting professional liability insurance from covering damages for healthcare providers that provide gender transition treatment to children; requiring professional discipline against a healthcare provider who performs such treatments; adding violation of the act to the definition of unprofessional conduct for physicians; amending K.S.A. 65-2837 and repealing the existing section.



AN ACT relating to initiatives regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 164 to define terms; prohibit a public postsecondary education institution from providing differential treatment or benefits on the basis of an individual's religion, race, sex, color, or national origin; from influencing the composition of the student body or scholarship recipients on the basis of religion, race, sex, color, or national origin; from implementing a student housing assignment plan on the basis of religion, race, color, or national origin with designated exceptions; from expending any resources on diversity, equity, and inclusion, the promotion of discriminatory topics, or bias incident investigations; from soliciting statements on an applicant's experience with or views on religion, race, sex, color, or national origin; from requiring a course dedicated to discriminatory concepts; or disseminating or profiting from any research, work product, or material that promotes or justifies discriminatory concepts; prohibit a public postsecondary education institution from requiring any individual to endorse or condemn a specific ideology or viewpoint; prohibit the Council on Postsecondary Education from providing differential treatment or benefits on the basis of an individual's religion, race, sex, color, or national origin or from expending any resources on diversity, equity, and inclusion or discriminatory topics; establish exclusions for legal compliance; require each governing board of a public postsecondary education institution to ensure compliance with specific sections of this Act no later than June 30, 2025; authorize the Attorney General to bring an action for a writ of mandamus to compel the council or a public postsecondary education institution to comply; create a cause of action to permit a qualified individual to file a civil action against council or a public postsecondary education institution for injunctive relief and limited damages arising from a violation of certain sections of this Act; waive sovereign and governmental immunity for the limited purpose of bringing this claim; prohibit retaliation; require each public postsecondary education institution to submit and publish a certified annual report on governmentally mandated discrimination to the Legislative Research Commission by October 1 each year; provide that a public postsecondary education institution or the council cannot claim a federal, state, judicial, contractual, or accreditation mandate as a defense to a civil action filed under this Act unless the policy, practice, or procedure upon which the complaint is founded is listed and clearly and accurately described in the public institution's annual report filed in accordance with this Act; require each public postsecondary education institution to provide the Personnel Cabinet and State Treasurer the name, job title, duty station, and salary or wages of each employee each month beginning January 1, 2025, and to post its itemized annual budget; amend KRS 164.020 to prohibit the Council on Postsecondary Education from approving a degree, certificate, or diploma program that includes discriminatory concepts or diversity, equity, and inclusion iniatives; amend KRS 164.011, 164.131, 164.321, and 164.821 to conform; direct the Council on Postsecondary Education to consider certain enumerated conditions when considering the elimination of an existing program; direct each public postsecondary education institution and the Council on Postsecondary Education to discontinue designated programs and follow designated procedures when implementing this Act; provide specific instructions for public postsecondary education institutions and the Council on Postsecondary Education to follow in implementing this Act; direct public postsecondary education institutions and the council to submit a report on implementation of this Act.

An institution shall not [...] make student housing assignments on the basis of religion, sex, race, color, or national origin unless an exception is necessary to: 1. Maintain separate living facilities for members of a single biological sex;

KY HB495


AN ACT relating to healthcare services and declaring an emergency.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 344 to define terms; prohibit discrimination against mental health care professionals, mental health care institutions, and ordained ministry for providing protected counseling services; prohibit discrimination against individuals for offering information, training, and referrals for protected counseling services; prohibit discrimination against parents and guardians who consent to their child receiving protected counseling services; prohibit reporting of a mental health care professional or mental health care institution to a hiring or licensing authority solely on the basis that it provides protected counseling services; prohibit a hiring or licensing authority from investigating a mental health care professional or mental health care institution solely on the basis that it provides protected counseling services; establish a civil cause of action for a person injured by a violation; provide that the Act may be cited as the Mental Health Counseling Protection Act; EMERGENCY.

The Commonwealth, any of its agencies or political subdivisions [...] shall not: (a) Discriminate against any: 1. Mental health care professional or mental health care institution for providing protected counseling services; 2. Individual or organization that provides information, training, referrals, or other support for protected counseling services; 3. Parent or guardian of a child for consenting to the child receiving or helping the child receive protected counseling services; or 4. Ordained ministry or the denominational equivalent from providing protected counseling services.

KY SB120


AN ACT relating to education.

Amend KRS 156.070 to require child dependency, neglect, and abuse information to be included in any interscholastic athletics participation consent form; require any training for interscholastic athletics administrators and coaches to include information about mandatory reporting duties for child dependency, neglect, and abuse.

An athletic activity or sport designated as "girls" for students in grades six (6) through twelve (12) shall not be open to members of the male sex.



AN ACT relating to correctional facilities.

Create new section of KRS Chapter 197 to define terms; prohibit hormone treatment or elective surgery for gender reassignment.

Except as provided in subsection (3) of this section, public funds shall not be directly or indirectly used, granted, paid, or distributed for the purpose of providing a cosmetic service or elective procedure to an inmate in a correctional facility.

MI HR0040


A resolution to strongly encourage the Michigan High School Athletic Association to promptly align its eligibility rules for high school athletes with Executive Order 14201 to preserve the integrity of competition and the safety of our female athletes.

President Trump issued Executive Order 14201 [that...] states that Title IX enforcement actions shall be prioritized against educational institutions and athletic associations that require female students to compete with or against men; [...] limiting competition in women's sports to student athletes assigned female at birth;

MS HB188


"Dignity and Safety for Incarcerated Women Act"; enact.

An Act To Create The "dignity And Safety For Incarcerated Women Act"; To Define Certain Terms As Used Under This Act; To Provide That Every Restroom And Changing Room Within A Correctional Facility That Is For Use By Incarcerated Individuals Shall Be Designated For Use By Members Of One Sex; To Prohibit Any Incarcerated Individual From Entering A Restroom Or Changing Room That Is Designated For One Sex Unless He Or She Is A Member Of That Sex; To Provide That Every Multi-occupancy Restroom, Changing Room And Sleeping Quarter Within A Correctional Facility Shall Be Designated For Exclusive Use Of Males Or Females; To Provide Certain Remedies For Violations Of This Act; And For Related Purposes.

(c) "Female" means an individual who has, had, will have or would have, but for a developmental or genetic anomaly or historical accident, the reproductive system that at some point produces, transports, and utilizes eggs for fertilization.

MT HB121


Provide privacy in certain restrooms, changing rooms, and sleeping quarters

(1) A covered entity shall designate each multi-occupancy restroom, changing room, or sleeping quarters for the exclusive use of females or males.

MT HB300


Generally revise laws related to discrimination in education

It is an unlawful discriminatory practice for an educational institution that operates, sponsors, or facilitates athletic programs or activities to permit a person whose sex is male to participate in an athletic program or activity that is designated for females.


A concurrent resolution urging the United States Federal Government, Congress, and the Governor of North Dakota to end the disadvantaged business enterprise program.

President Donald J. Trump issued executive orders directing federal agencies to align with the administration's policy to terminate diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives (DEI) and [...] the orders directed that employment, procurement, and contracting practices of federal contractors and subcontractors may not consider race or gender and further required every federal contract or award to certify the recipient does not operate any programs promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion which violate any applicable federal anti-discrimination laws;



Enact Advance Ohio Higher Education Act

To amend sections 3335.02, 3335.09, 3337.01, 3339.01, 3341.02, 3343.02, 3344.01, 3345.45, 3350.10, 3352.01, 3356.01, 3359.01, 3361.01, 3362.01, 3364.01, 4117.14, and 4117.15; to enact new section 3333.045 and sections 3345.029, 3345.0216, 3345.0217, 3345.0218, 3345.0219, 3345.382, 3345.451, 3345.452, 3345.453, 3345.454, 3345.455, 3345.456, 3345.591, 3345.80, and 3345.88; and to repeal section 3333.045 of the Revised Code to enact the Advance Ohio Higher Education Act regarding the operation of state institutions of higher education.

The board of trustees of each state institution of higher education shall adopt and enforce a policy that requires the institution to do all of the following: (1)(a) Prohibit all of the following: (i) Any orientation or training course regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion; (ii) The continuation of existing diversity, equity, and inclusion offices or departments; (iii) Establishing new diversity, equity, and inclusion offices or departments; [...] (vi) The establishment of any new institutional scholarships that use diversity, equity, and inclusion in any manner. For any institutional scholarships existing on the effective date of this section, a state institution shall, to the extent possible, eliminate diversity, equity, and inclusion requirements.

OK HR1002


Resolution; House Rules.

(c) Only a person born as a biological female shall be allowed into any restroom facility which is designated for female members of the Oklahoma House of Representatives, except as authorized for the operations of the House.

SD HB1259


Prohibit unauthorized access to certain multi-occupancy rooms.

A student who does not meet the definition of a female may not enter a changing room, restroom, or shower room designated exclusively for females. A student who does not meet the definition of a male may not enter a changing room, restroom, or shower room designated exclusively for males.

TN HB0064


AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 49, relative to residential educational programs.

As introduced, requires all residential educational programs in this state, regardless of type or duration, that allow minors to participate or to access residential facilities to segregate all restrooms, changing areas, and showers by immutable biological sex. - Amends TCA Title 49.

All residential educational programs in this state, regardless of type or duration, that allow minors to participate or to access residential facilities must segregate all restrooms, changing areas, and showers by sex.


A RESOLUTION to honor and commend Riley Gaines of Sumner County.

Riley Gaines

Riley Gaines campaigns against the inclusion of men in the women's division of sports, including lobbying her state representatives to pass a law that would prohibit transgender individuals from women's sports. [...] Ms. Gaines made a national and global impact by taking a courageous stand by publicly speaking about her beliefs that only women should be competing in women's sports.


Flag Display Amendments

A government entity or an employee of a a government entity within a classroom of a school within the public education system, may not: (a) display a flag in or on the grounds of government property; or (b) display an exempt flag described in Subsection (3) with alterations in color, symbols, or appearance.

UT HB0252


State Custody Amendments

The department may not initiate any of the following procedures or treatments for inmates: (a) a cross-sex hormone treatment; (b) a primary sex characteristic surgical procedure; or (c) a secondary sex characteristic surgical procedure.

UT HB0269


Privacy Protections in Sex-designated Areas

Sex-designated privacy spaces in public schools. (1) To preserve the individual privacy of male and female students in the public education system, a student may only access an operational sex-designated privacy space within a public school that is designated for student use if the student's sex corresponds with the sex designation of the privacy space.

UT HB0283


Child and Family Services Amendments

In considering the past conduct and demonstrated moral standards of each party under Subsection (4)(d) or any other factor a court finds relevant, the court may not: [...] (b) discriminate against a parent based upon the parent's agreement or disagreement with a minor child of the couple's: (i) assertion that the minor child's gender identity is different from the minor child's biological sex; (ii) practice of having or expressing a different gender identity than the minor child's biological sex; or (iii) sexual orientation.

UT HB0424


School Activity Eligibility Commission Amendments

UT SB0074


Corrections Modifications

This bill: - amends which individuals in the custody of the Department of Corrections (the department) may petition to have a sex designation change on a birth certificate; - includes individuals on parole on the list of individuals to whom a government entity is not required to respond regarding certain records requests;



Commending The Family Foundation of Virginia.

Be it resolved by the Senate, the House of Delegates concurring, That the General Assembly hereby commend The Family Foundation of Virginia for 40 years of strengthening Virginia families;


Defining "men" and "women"

The purpose of this bill is to define and preserve single-sex spaces in this state.

Common sex-based words have endangered women's rights and resources and have put the existence of private, single-sex spaces in jeopardy, thereby necessitating clarification of certain terms used in this code. [...] Personal privacy is a natural instinct rooted in biological realities, including the facts that males alone have the biological capability to impregnate women and that males are, on average, physically larger and stronger than women. The state should protect spaces where women have been traditionally afforded privacy and safety from acts of abuse, harassment, sexual assault, and violence committed by men, just as the state should protect women and girls' natural desire to avoid exposing their bodies to males with whom they have limited, if any, relationships.


What is a Woman Act.

AN ACT relating to common law, statutes and rules of construction; specifying definitions and standards for the application of a person's biological sex in law, rules or regulations; providing for the law to distinguish between accommodations for males and females; requiring the collection of vital statistics and other data to identify persons as male or female at birth; and providing for an effective date.

The terms "woman" and "girl" refer to human females, and the terms "man" and "boy" refer to human males; (v) "Mother" means a parent of the female sex; (vi) "Father" means a parent of the male sex;

WY HB0072


Protecting privacy in public spaces act.

AN ACT relating to the administration of the government; specifying requirements for the use of sex-designated restrooms, showers, sleeping quarters and locker room facilities at public facilities; providing for complaints and civil actions; specifying duties for public entities; providing definitions; making conforming amendments; and providing for an effective date.

Public facilities; changing areas exclusively for members of a single sex.

WY HB0147


Prohibition of institutional discrimination.

AN ACT relating to the administration of government; prohibiting governmental entities from engaging in any diversity, equity or inclusion program, activity or policy; prohibiting governmental entities engaging in institutional discrimination; prohibiting required attendance for certain programs or trainings; providing definitions; requiring rulemaking; providing applicability; and providing for effective dates.

No governmental entity shall: (i) Engage in any diversity, equity or inclusion program, activity or policy; (ii) Engage in or require instruction in institutional discrimination; (iii) Require any student, employee or contractor to attend or participate in any diversity, equity or inclusion program or training or any institutional discrimination program or training.

WY HB0164


Medical prescriptions-off-label purposes.

AN ACT relating to professions and occupations; authorizing prescribers to prescribe medications for off-label indication as specified; authorizing pharmacists to dispense medications for off-label indication as specified; providing prescribers and pharmacists immunity from disciplinary action as specified; providing definitions; requiring rulemaking; and providing for an effective date.

A prescriber may lawfully prescribe a United States food and drug administration approved prescription drug for off-label indication, and a pharmacist is authorized to dispense a prescribed drug for off-label indication within their scope of practice pursuant to a valid prescription order.


Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

AN ACT relating to religious freedom; creating the Religious Freedom Restoration Act; providing definitions; limiting specified governmental actions that burden religious freedom; authorizing claims and defenses against governmental action that burden religious freedom; providing exceptions; and providing for an effective date.

State action shall not burden a person's right to the exercise of religion, even if the burden results from a rule of general applicability, unless it is demonstrated that applying the burden to that person's exercise of religion in that particular instance is: (i) Essential to further a compelling governmental interest; and (ii) The least restrictive means of furthering that compelling governmental interest. (b) This act shall apply to all state and local laws, ordinances, rules, regulations and policies, and their implementation, whether statutory or otherwise and whether adopted before, on or after the effective date of this act.

WY SF0044


Fairness in sports-intercollegiate athletics.

AN ACT relating to education; requiring students at the University of Wyoming and Wyoming community colleges to compete in intercollegiate athletic competitions based on their biological sex; providing definitions; and providing for an effective date.

No educational institution shall allow: (i) A student to compete in an athletic competition sponsored or authorized by the educational institution that is designated for the sex opposite to the student's sex; (ii) A male student to compete in an athletic competition that is mixed-sex in a position that is designated by rule or procedure for female students

WY SF0062


Sex-designated facilities and public schools.

AN ACT relating to school districts; requiring public school children to use restrooms, sex‑designated changing facilities and sleeping quarters that align with their sex at birth; requiring reasonable accommodations; providing exceptions; providing penalties; providing definitions; and providing for an effective date.

Ensure that each school district in the state requires every multiple occupancy restroom or changing room be designated for the exclusive use of the male sex or the exclusive use of the female sex. School districts that are found to be in noncompliance with this requirement shall lose their accreditation under W.S. 21-2-304(a)(ii) and 21-2-304(b)(ii).

WY SF0077


Compelled speech is not free speech.

AN ACT relating to the administration of government; prohibiting the state and its political subdivisions from requiring the use of preferred pronouns; authorizing a civil remedy; and providing for an effective date.

The state and its political subdivisions shall not compel or require an employee to refer to another employee using that employee's preferred pronouns.

Vetoed bills

MS SB2867


Medicaid; make various amendments to the provisions of the program.

An Act To Amend Section 43-13-115, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Make Certain Technical Amendments To The Provisions That Provide For Medicaid Eligibility And To Modify Age And Income And Eligibility Criteria To Reflect The Current Criteria; To Require The Division Of Medicaid To Submit A Waiver By July 1, 2025, To The Center For Medicare And Medicaid Services (cms) To Authorize The Division To Conduct Less Frequent Medical Redeterminations For Eligible Children Who Have Certain Long-term Or Chronic Conditions That Do Not Need To Be Reidentified Every Year; To Provide That Men Of Reproductive Age Are Eligible Under The Family Planning Program; To Conform With Federal Law To Allow Children In Foster Care To Be Eligible Until Their 26th Birthday; To Eliminate The Requirement That The Division Must Apply To Cms For Waivers To Provide Services For Certain Individuals Who Are End Stage Renal Disease Patients On Dialysis, Cancer Patients On Chemotherapy Or Organ Transplant Recipients On Antirejection Drugs; To Amend Section 43-13-117, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Make Certain Technical Amendments To The Provisions That Provide For Medicaid Services To Comply With Federal Law; To Eliminate The Option For Certain Rural Hospitals To Elect Against Reimbursement For Outpatient Hospital Services Using The Ambulatory Payment Classification (apc) Methodology; To Require The Division To Update The Case-mix Payment System And Fair Rental Reimbursement System As Necessary To Maintain Compliance With Federal Law; To Authorize The Division To Implement A Quality Or Value-based Component To The Nursing Facility Payment System; To Require The Division To Reimburse Pediatricians For Certain Primary Care Services As Defined By The Division At 100% Of The Rate Established Under Medicare; To Require The Division To Reimburse For One Pair Of Eyeglasses Every Two Years Instead Of Every Five Years For Certain Beneficiaries; To Authorize Oral Contraceptives To Be Prescribed And Dispensed In Twelve-month Supply Increments Under Family Planning Services; To Authorize The Division To Reimburse Ambulatory Surgical Care (asc) Based On 90% Of The Medicare Asc Payment System Rate In Effect July 1 Of Each Year As Set By Cms; To Authorize The Division To Provide Reimbursement For Devices Used For The Reduction Of Snoring And Obstructive Sleep Apnea; To Direct The Division To Allow Physicians At Any Hospital To Participate In Any Medicare Upper Payment Limits Program (upl), Allowable Delivery System Or Provider Payment Initiative Established By The Division, Subject To Federal Limitations On Collection Of Provider Taxes; To Provide That The Division May, In Consultation With The Mississippi Hospital Association, Develop Alternative Models For Distribution Of Medical Claims And Supplemental Payments For Inpatient And Outpatient Hospital Services; To Update And Clarify Language About The Division's Transition From The Medicare Upper Payment Limits Program (upl) To The Mississippi Hospital Access Program (mhap); To Provide That The Division Shall Maximize Total Federal Funding For Mhap, Upl And Other Supplemental Payment Programs In Effect For State Fiscal Year 2025 And Shall Not Change The Methodologies, Formulas, Models Or Preprints Used To Calculate The Distribution Of Supplemental Payments To Hospitals From Those Methodologies, Formulas, Models Or Preprints In Effect And As Approved By The Centers For Medicare And Medicaid Services For State Fiscal Year 2025; To Authorize The Division To Contract With The State Department Of Health To Provide For A Perinatal High Risk Management/infant Services System For Any Eligible Beneficiary That Cannot Receive Such Services Under A Different Program; To Authorize The Division To Reimburse For Services At Certified Community Behavioral Health Centers; To Extend To July 1, 2027, The Date Of The Repealer On The Provision Of Law That Provides That The Division Shall Reimburse For Outpatient Hospital Services Provided To Eligible Medicaid Beneficiaries Under The Age Of Twenty-one Years By Border City University-affiliated Pediatric Teaching Hospitals, Which Was Repealed By Operation Of Law In 2024; To Limit The Payment For Providing Services To Mississippi Medicaid Beneficiaries Under The Age Of Twenty-one Years Who Are Treated By A Border City University-affiliated Pediatric Teaching Hospital; To Require The Division To Develop And Implement A Method For Reimbursement Of Autism Spectrum Disorder Services Based On A Continuum Of Care For Best Practices In Medically Necessary Early Intervention Treatment; To Require The Division To Reimburse For Preparticipation Physical Evaluations; To Require The Division To Reimburse For United States Food And Drug Administration Approved Medications For Chronic Weight Management Or For Additional Conditions In The Discretion Of The Medical Provider; To Require The Division To Provide Coverage And Reimbursement For Any Nonstatin Medication Approved By The United States Food And Drug Administration That Has A Unique Indication To Reduce The Risk Of A Major Cardiovascular Event In Primary Prevention And Secondary Prevention Patients; To Require The Division To Provide Coverage And Reimbursement For Any Nonopioid Medication Approved By The United States Food And Drug Administration For The Treatment Or Management Of Pain; To Reduce The Length Of Notice The Division Must Provide The Medicaid Committee Chairmen For Proposed Rate Changes And To Provide That Such Legislative Notice May Be Expedited; To Require The Division To Reimburse Ambulance Transportation Service Providers That Provide An Assessment, Triage Or Treatment For Eligible Medicaid Beneficiaries; To Set Certain Reimbursement Levels For Such Providers; To Extend To July 1, 2029, The Date Of The Repealer On Such Section; To Amend Section 43-13-121, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Authorize The Division To Extend Its Medicaid Enterprise System And Fiscal Agent Services, Including All Related Components And Services, Contracts In Effect On June 30, 2025, For Additional Five-year Periods If The System Continues To Meet The Needs Of The State, The Annual Cost Continues To Be A Fair Market Value, And The Rate Of Increase Is No More Than Five Percent Or The Current Consumer Price Index, Whichever Is Less; To Authorize The Division To Enter Into A Two-year Contract With A Vendor To Provide Support Of The Division's Eligibility System; To Reduce The Length Of Notice The Division Must Provide The Medicaid Committee Chairmen For A Proposed State Plan Amendment And To Provide That Such Legislative Notice May Be Expedited; To Amend Section 43-13-305, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Provide That When A Third Party Payor Requires Prior Authorization For An Item Or Service Furnished To A Medicaid Recipient, The Payor Shall Accept Authorization Provided By The Division Of Medicaid That The Item Or Service Is Covered Under The State Plan As If Such Authorization Were The Prior Authorization Made By The Third Party Payor For Such Item Or Service; To Amend Section 43-13-117.7, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Provide That The Division Shall Not Reimburse Or Provide Coverage For Gender Transition Procedures For Any Person; To Amend Section 43-13-145, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Provide That A Quarterly Hospital Assessment May Exceed The Assessment In The Prior Quarter By More Than $3,750,000.00 If Such Increase Is To Maximize Federal Funds That Are Available To Reimburse Hospitals For Services Provided Under New Programs For Hospitals, For Increased Supplemental Payment Programs For Hospitals Or To Assist With State Matching Funds As Authorized By The Legislature; To Authorize The Division To Reduce Or Eliminate The Portion Of The Hospital Assessment Applicable To Long-term Acute Care Hospitals And Rehabilitation Hospitals If Cms Waives Certain Requirements; To Amend Section 43-13-115.1, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Remove The Requirement That A Pregnant Woman Must Provide Proof Of Her Pregnancy And Documentation Of Her Monthly Family Income When Seeking A Determination Of Presumptive Eligibility; To Create New Section 41-140-1, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Define Terms; To Create New Section 41-140-3, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Require The State Department Of Health To Develop And Promulgate Written Educational Materials And Information For Health Care Professionals And Patients About Maternal Mental Health Conditions; To Require Hospitals Providing Birth Services To Provide Such Educational Materials To New Parents And, As Appropriate, Other Family Members; To Require That Such Materials Be Provided To Any Woman Who Presents With Signs Of A Maternal Mental Health Disorder; To Create New Section 41-140-5, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Require Any Health Care Provider Or Nurse Midwife Who Renders Postnatal Care Or Pediatric Infant Care To Ensure That The Postnatal Care Patient Or Birthing Mother Of The Pediatric Infant Care Patient, As Applicable, Is Offered Screening For Postpartum Depression And To Provide Appropriate Referrals If Such Patient Or Mother Is Deemed Likely To Be Suffering From Postpartum Depression; To Amend Section 43-13-107, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Establish A Medicaid Advisory Committee And Beneficiary Advisory Committee As Required Pursuant To Federal Regulations; To Provide That All Members Of The Medical Care Advisory Committee Serving On January 1, 2025, Shall Be Selected To Serve On The Medicaid Advisory Committee, And Such Members Shall Serve Until July 1, 2028; And For Related Purposes.

43-13-117.7, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows: [...] The division shall not reimburse or provide coverage for gender transition procedures for a person under eighteen (18) years of age any person.

WY SF0103


Terminating and defunding diversity, equity and inclusion.

AN ACT relating to the administration of the government; generally prohibiting diversity, equity and inclusion efforts and mandates by state agencies and public educational institutions; conditioning the expenditure of appropriated funds as specified; specifying applicability; providing an appropriation; and providing for an effective date.

Funds and expenditures for diversity, equity and inclusion efforts prohibited. [...] (i) "Diversity, equity and inclusion" includes any of the following: [...] (D) Conducting trainings, programs or activities designed or implemented in reference to race, color, ethnicity or gender dysphonia [sic]