Trans Legislation Tracker


We are tracking 120 anti-trans bills in Texas in 2025. The legislation impacts 12 categories:













TX HB1014


Relating to regulations and policies for entering or using a bathroom or changing facility in a public school; authorizing a civil penalty, authorizing a private civil right of action.

Sec. 38.452. DETERMINATION OF BIOLOGICAL SEX. (a) For purposes of this subchapter, a person's biological sex is the biological sex correctly stated on the person's official birth certificate as described by Subsection (b).

TX HB1015


Relating to regulations and policies for entering or using a bathroom or changing facility in a public school.

DETERMINATION OF BIOLOGICAL SEX. (a) For purposes of this subchapter, a person's biological sex is the biological sex correctly stated on the person's official birth certificate as described by Subsection (b).

TX HB1016


Relating to a public school policy regarding multi-occupancy bathrooms or changing facilities.

(a) In this section, "multi-occupancy bathroom or changing facility" [...] includes a restroom, locker room, changing room, or shower room. [...] (c) If a school district adopts a policy that allows for separation of multi-occupancy bathrooms or changing facilities according to a criterion other than a person's biological sex assigned at birth, the policy must: (1) include: (A) a description of: (i) which multi-occupancy bathrooms or changing facilities are not separated by biological sex assigned at birth; and (ii) if a multi-occupancy bathroom or changing facility is not separated by biological sex assigned at birth, the method by which students will be supervised in that facility and the manner in which that method of supervision ensures the safety and privacy of students; and (B) accommodations or modifications for students who wish to use a multi-occupancy bathroom or changing facility separated by biological sex assigned at birth; and (2) be: (A) posted on the district's Internet website; and (B) provided at the beginning of each school year by mail to each parent of a student enrolled in the district.

TX HB1075


Relating to a cause of action for drag performances performed in the presence of a minor.

LIABILITY FOR DRAG PERFORMANCE IN PRESENCE OF MINOR [...] (1) "Drag performance" means a performance in which a performer exhibits a gender that is different than the performer's gender recorded at birth using clothing, makeup, or other physical markers and sings, lip syncs, dances, or otherwise performs in a lascivious manner before an audience.

TX HB1088


Relating to the statute of limitations on a health care liability claim involving certain gender modification drugs provided to and procedures performed on a minor.

Sec. 74.252. STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS ON HEALTH CARE LIABILITY CLAIMS INVOLVING CERTAIN GENDER MODIFICATION DRUGS AND PROCEDURES. A claimant must bring a health care liability claim not later than the claimant's 30th birthday if: (1) the claimant is a minor at the time the cause of action accrues; and (2) the basis for the claim is malpractice in the provision of a puberty suppression prescription drug or cross-sex hormone to or the performance of surgery or another medical procedure on the minor for the purpose of gender transitioning or gender reassignment.

TX HB1106


Relating to the definition of abuse or neglect of a child.

In this chapter, “abuse” and “ neglect,” as defined in Sec. 261.001, do not include the refusal of the child’s parent, legal guardian, or other person responsible for a child’s care, custody, or welfare to: (a) affirm the child’s expressed sexual orientation or gender identity; or (b) address the child according to the child’s preferred name or pronoun(s), regardless of whether the child has legally changed their name.

TX HB1123


Relating to interscholastic athletic competition based on biological sex, requirements for physical examinations and genetic testing in interscholastic athletics, and the adoption of rules by the University Interscholastic League to implement these requirements.

A student may not compete in an interscholastic athletic competition designated for a particular biological sex if the student's chromosomal sex does not match the biological sex assigned at birth as described in subsection (a). This determination shall be made based on clinical evidence, including genetic testing results provided by a licensed medical professional under Section 33.098.

TX HB1279


Relating to prohibiting teaching in Texas public elementary and secondary schools of hateful, divisive and discriminatory practices and beliefs that could lead to discriminatory treatment of individuals because of such individual's race, color, ethnicity, sex, national origin or religion and the establishment of remedies and penalties for discriminatory treatment.

A public elementary or secondary school may not instruct any student [...] that an individual, by virtue of the individual's personal identity characteristics, is inherently [...] oppressed [...] or a victim, whether consciously or unconsciously; [...] That an individual should be discriminated against in violation of [...] Title IX [...] or receive beneficial treatment because of the individual's personal identity characteristics;

TX HB1280


Relating to prohibiting governmental discriminatory practices as well as submissions and trainings that could lead to discriminatory treatment of individuals because of personal identity characteristics including an individual's race, color, ethnicity, sex, national origin or religion and the establishment of remedies and penalties for discriminatory treatment.

"Prohibited discriminatory practice" [...] means engaging in or maintaining a policy, procedure, practice, program, office, initiative, or required training that: [...] asserts that an individual, by virtue of the individual's personal identity characteristics, is inherently [...] oppressed, [...] or a victim, whether consciously or unconsciously; [...] Asserts that an individual should be discriminated against in violation of [...] Title IX [...] or receive beneficial treatment because of the individual's personal identity characteristics;

TX HB1434


Relating to affirmative defenses to prosecution for certain offenses involving material or conduct that is obscene or otherwise harmful to children.

TX HB1479


Relating to the protection of expressive activities at public institutions of higher education.

An institution of higher education may not take action against a student organization or deny the organization any benefit generally available to other student organizations at the institution on the basis of: (1) a [...] religious [...] viewpoint expressed by the organization or of any expressive activities of the organization; (2) a requirement of the organization that the organization's leaders or members: (A) affirm and adhere to the organization's sincerely held beliefs; (B) comply with the organization's standards of conduct; or (C) further the organization's mission or purpose.

TX HB1484


Relating to the protection of students from sexual grooming.

Notwithstanding any other provision of this code, as provided by this subchapter a parent who determines that their child is subjected to sexual grooming at a public school is entitled to the right to protect their child from such sexual grooming by selecting another school, public or private, for their child in which event Chapter 48 funding for the education of that child shall flow with the child to the new school selected by the parents.

TX HB1521


Relating to the implementation of diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives by certain governmental entities.

A governmental entity shall ensure that each unit of the entity does not, except as required by federal law: (1) establish or maintain a diversity, equity, and inclusion office; or (2) hire or assign an employee of the entity or contract with a third party to perform the duties of a diversity, equity, and inclusion office.

TX HB1655


Relating to a policy prohibiting public school employees from assisting a student with social transitioning and to the loss of state funding for a violation by a public school.

ASSISTANCE WITH SOCIAL TRANSITIONING PROHIBITED. (a) In this subchapter, "social transitioning" means a person's [...] adoption of a different name, different pronouns, or other expressions of gender, including clothing and hairstyles

TX HB167


Relating to the implementation of diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives and certain prohibited considerations in contracting by governmental entities.

PROHIBITION ON CERTAIN DIVERSITY, EQUITY, AND INCLUSION INITIATIVES [...] (a) A governmental entity shall ensure that each unit of the entity: (1) does not, except as required by federal law: (A) establish or maintain a diversity, equity, and inclusion office; (B) hire or assign an employee of the entity or contract with a third party to perform the duties of a diversity, equity, and inclusion office; (C) compel, require, induce, or solicit any person to provide a diversity, equity, and inclusion statement or give preferential consideration to any person based on the provision of a diversity, equity, and inclusion statement; (D) give preference on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin to an applicant for employment, an employee, or a participant in any function of the entity; or (E) require as a condition of employment any person to participate in diversity, equity, and inclusion training, which: (i) includes a training, program, or activity designed or implemented in reference to race, color, ethnicity, gender identity, or sexual orientation; and (ii) does not include a training, program, or activity developed for the purpose of ensuring compliance with any applicable federal law; and (2) adopts policies and procedures for appropriately disciplining, including by termination, an employee or contractor of the entity who engages in conduct in violation of Subdivision (1).

TX HB1704


Relating to a parent's right to be notified by a school district concerning acts of self-harm by the parent's child.

(b) A school district shall immediately notify a parent if the parent's child engages in or expresses a desire to engage in an act of self-harm, or otherwise indicates by words or behavior a likelihood of engaging in an act of self-harm, including words or behavior expressing gender dysphoria or other distress relating to the child's biological sex.

TX HB1927


Relating to the instructional materials for certain curriculum in public schools, including certain instructional prohibitions and requirements regarding those materials.

For a grade level from kindergarten through grade 12: (1) a teacher may not be compelled to discuss or use instructional materials that cover a widely debated and currently controversial issue of public policy or social affairs;

TX HB2062


Relating to regulations and policies for entering or using certain private spaces; authorizing a civil penalty.

(a) A political subdivision or state agency shall require each private space located within a facility owned, operated, or controlled by the political subdivision or state agency be designated for and used only by persons based on the person's biological sex.

TX HB2258


Imposing private civil liability on anyone who causes or contributes to the social transitioning of a minor.

Sec. 161.712. CAUSING OR CONTRIBUTING TO THE TRANSITIONING OF A MINOR. (a) Any person who causes or contributes to: (1) The social transitioning of a minor; or (2) The castration, sterilization, or mutilation of a minor, shall be strictly, absolutely, and jointly and severally liable to the child and the child's parents for any personal injuries or harm resulting from the conduct described in this subsection.


Relating to general definitions for and collection of governmental information regarding biological sex.

(14) "Boy" means a child of the male sex. (15) "Father" means a parent of the male sex. (16) "Female" and "woman" mean an individual whose biological reproductive system is developed to produce ova. (17) "Girl" means a child of the female sex. (18) "Male" and "man" mean an individual whose biological reproductive system is developed to fertilize the ova of a female. (19) "Mother" means a parent of the female sex. (20) "Sex" means an individual's biological sex, either male or female.

TX HB2291


Relating to the required inclusion of a person's sex on a birth certificate and prohibited change of sex on the birth certificate of certain persons.

Relating to the required inclusion of a person's sex on a birth certificate and prohibited change of sex on the birth certificate of certain persons. [...] (c-1) The form must include a space for recording the biological sex of a person as either male or female. [...] a person required to file a birth certificate under this section shall ensure the biological sex of a child, as determined by the sex organs, chromosomes, or endogenous profile of the child, is listed in the appropriate space on the child's birth certificate.

TX HB2311


Relating to diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives at public institutions of higher education.

TX HB2339


Relating to prohibiting public institutions of higher education from offering programs or courses in LGBTQ or DEI studies.

PROHIBITION ON LGBTQ PROGRAMS AND COURSES. [...] (b) An institution of higher education may not offer a certificate or degree program, including any major or minor, or course in lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer studies. (c) All certificate or degree programs, including any major or minor, or courses, at an institute of higher education must comply with the biological reality that there are only two sexes, male and female, and these sexes are not changeable.

TX HB2342


Relating to protection for a public school employee's use of terms consistent with biological sex.

PROTECTION FOR USE OF TERMS CONSISTENT WITH BIOLOGICAL SEX. A school district or open-enrollment charter school may not terminate, discipline, retaliate against, or otherwise discriminate against a district or school employee who addresses a student or another district or school employee in terms consistent with the biological sex of the student or employee.

TX HB2354


Relating to charter schools, including the admission, enrollment, and employment policies of and the applicability of certain laws to open-enrollment charter schools.

Each charter granted under this subchapter must: [...] (5) prohibit discrimination in admission policy on the basis of sex, national origin, ethnicity, religion, disability, academic, artistic, or athletic ability [...] although the charter may [...] provide for an admission policy that limits admission to students of a single biological sex as correctly stated on the student's official birth certificate.

TX HB239


Relating to regulations and policies for entering or using certain private spaces; authorizing a civil penalty.

"Biological sex" means the physical condition of being male or female, as determined by: (A) the sex organs, chromosomes, and endogenous profiles of a person; and (B) a person's original birth certificate, if the biological sex is correctly stated on the birth certificate, as indicated by the biological sex being: (1) entered at or near the time of birth; or (2) modified only to correct a scrivener or clerical error in the biological sex.

TX HB2456


Relating to the flying and display of flags by public schools.

Every school and other educational institution to which this code applies: (1) shall fly the United States and Texas flags; (2) may fly flags of the United States Armed Forces; (3) may fly the official flag of that school or educational institution; and (4) may not fly or display any other flags.

TX HB2548


Relating to a prohibition on public institutions of higher education requiring students to enroll in certain courses to complete a certificate or degree program, using such courses to satisfy general education requirements, funding such courses using state appropriations, or requiring related faculty practices, and to freshman student orientation at those institutions.

The governing board of an institution of higher education shall [...] not require [...] as part of any program or degree requirement, a course [...] for which the student will receive a grade do any of the following: (1) relate to contemporary American society the topic of [...] gender identity, social justice, [...] allyship, [...] gender-based diversity, [...] equity, or [...] inclusion.


Relating to the inclusion of a person's sex on driver's licenses, commercial driver's licenses, commercial learner's permits, and personal identification certificates.

Section 521.142(c), Transportation Code, is amended to read as follows: (c) The application must state: (1) the applicant's biological sex as either male or female as determined at birth

TX HB267


Relating to affirmative defenses to prosecution for certain offenses involving material or conduct that is obscene or otherwise harmful to children.

TX HB2704


Relating to general definitions regarding biological sex and the designation and use of certain spaces according to biological sex; authorizing a civil right of action.

The owner or operator of a covered facility shall designate each multi-occupancy private space in the facility for the exclusive use of either females or males. [...] A multi-occupancy private space [...] for the exclusive use of either females or males may only be used by an individual of the designated sex.


Relating to municipal diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives.

A municipality may not spend public money or provide compensation in any manner to directly or indirectly: (1) fund a department, program, or committee, or pay compensation to a person associated with a department, program, or committee, that is focused on formulating, promoting, or implementing a diversity, equity, and inclusion initiative; (2) hire or contract with an independent vendor or contractor to formulate, promote, or implement a diversity, equity, and inclusion initiative; (3) promote an event, meeting, or club that excludes the participation of a person on the basis of the person's identity classification or that advocates for the preferential treatment of the person on the basis of the person's identity classification; (4) require or encourage an employee of the municipality to participate in a workforce training or professional development training that promotes a diversity, equity, and inclusion initiative;

TX HB2816


Relating to protection of the rights of conscience of persons from providing and health care facilities from offering certain health care services; providing a civil remedy; authorizing disciplinary action.

RIGHT TO DECLINE PARTICIPATION IN OR OFFER HEALTH CARE SERVICE; CONSTRUCTION OF SUBCHAPTER. [...] (1) a person may decline to participate in a health care service for reasons of conscience; and (2) a health care facility may decline to offer a health care service consistent with the facility's established beliefs and rights of conscience.

TX HB2821


Relating to county diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives.

A county may not spend public money or provide compensation in any manner to [...] (1) fund a department, program, or committee [...] that is focused on formulating, promoting, or implementing a diversity, equity, and inclusion initiative; (2) hire or contract with an independent vendor or contractor to formulate, promote, or implement a diversity, equity, and inclusion initiative; (3) promote an event, meeting, or club that excludes the participation of a person on the basis of the person's identity classification [...] (4) require or encourage an employee of the county to participate in a workforce training or professional development training that promotes a diversity, equity, and inclusion initiative; (5) provide funding to enable an employee or a member of the commissioners court of the county to attend a conference that promotes or teaches a diversity, equity, and inclusion initiative; [...] (9) promote or seek to implement a diversity, equity, and inclusion initiative when working with a business or other organization whose purpose is to provide or attract economic development or tourism to the county.

TX HB2846


Relating to parental rights in public education and prohibiting instruction regarding sexual orientation or gender identity for public school students.

CONSENT REQUIRED FOR PARTICIPATION IN CERTAIN STUDENT CLUBS. (a) In this section, "student club" means any student organization sponsored or sanctioned by a school district. (b) A school district shall require written parental consent as a condition of a student's participation in a student club that promotes themes of sexuality, gender, or gender identity.

TX HB2969


Relating to discrimination against or burdening certain constitutional rights of an applicant for or holder of a license to practice law in this state.

A rule or policy adopted or a penalty imposed under this chapter may not: (1) limit an applicant's ability to obtain a license to practice law in this state, or a state bar member's ability to maintain or renew the license, based on a sincerely held religious belief of the applicant or state bar member;


Relating to a prohibition on the provision of state money to entities that promote certain ideological programs and the establishment of a division in the Legislative Budget Board to ensure such entities do not receive state money; authorizing the imposition of a civil penalty.

A state agency or organization may not provide state money to an entity that promotes, teaches, advocates for, or is ideologically aligned with a restricted ideological program. [...] "Restricted ideological program" means a program that supports, promotes, or is aligned with: (A) initiatives, theories, or policies that seek to alter social institutions through identity-based conflict; [...] (D) advocacy for a nonbiological definition of gender and policies supporting gender transition; (E) a doctrine asserting that gender identity is independent of biological sex;

TX HB3186


Relating to intercollegiate athletic competitions based on biological sex.

TX HB3399


Relating to the provision of procedures and treatments for gender transitioning, gender reassignment, or gender dysphoria and the use of public money or public assistance to provide those procedures or treatments.

PROHIBITED PROVISION OF GENDER TRANSITIONING AND GENDER REASSIGNMENT PROCEDURES AND TREATMENTS FOR CERTAIN CHILDREN For the purpose of transitioning a person's child's biological sex as determined by the sex organs, chromosomes, and endogenous profiles of the person child or affirming the person's child's perception of the person's child's sex if that perception is inconsistent with the person's child's biological sex, a physician or health care provider may not [...] (2) perform a mastectomy; (3) provide, prescribe, administer, or dispense (A) puberty suppression or blocking prescription drugs [...] (B) [...] testosterone to females; or (C) [...]estrogen to males.

TX HB3411


Relating to prohibiting a public school teacher from supporting a student's gender transition.

(A) A teacher employed by a school district may not: (1) promote or encourage a student's use of gender pronouns other than the pronouns for the student's gender; (2) support a student in dressing, or encourage a student to dress, as the opposite sex; (3) encourage a student to change, or facilitate a student in changing, the student's name; (4) promote to, discuss with, or educate a student regarding transgender lifestyles; (5) provide a student with information, resources, or connections to a lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer organization; (6) discuss with a student transgender treatments, therapy, or gender transition-related topics; or (7) introduce to or discuss with a student the idea of gender fluidity or the existence of more than two genders.


Relating to the authority of a political subdivision to implement certain diversity, equity, and inclusion policies.

PROHIBITION ON CERTAIN DIVERSITY, EQUITY, AND INCLUSION POLICIES. [...] an official policy [...] that: [...] promotes a particular opinion referencing [...] allyship, transgender ideology, [...] neo-pronouns, heteronormativity, disparate impact, gender theory, racial or sexual privilege, or any related formulation of these concepts.

TX HB3431


Relating to prohibitions on the provision to certain children of gender transitioning or reassignment procedures and treatments and gender-affirming therapy and counseling; creating criminal offenses.

A non-physician mental health professional may not provide gender-affirming therapy or counseling to a child to treat gender dysphoria if the purpose of the therapy or counseling is to affirm a gender inconsistent with the child's biological sex, as determined by the sex organs, chromosomes, and endogenous profiles of the child.

TX HB344


Relating to a prohibition on instruction and certain activities regarding sexual orientation or gender identity provided or allowed by a public school.

PROHIBITION ON INSTRUCTION AND CERTAIN ACTIVITIES REGARDING SEXUAL ORIENTATION OR GENDER IDENTITY. (a) Except as provided by Subsection (b), a school district, open-enrollment charter school, or district or charter school employee may not provide or allow a third party to provide instruction, guidance, activities, or programming regarding sexual orientation or gender identity to students enrolled in prekindergarten through 12th grade.

TX HB3478


Relating to the definitions of child abuse and neglect and the temporary emergency jurisdiction of a court in this state over a child at risk of receiving certain prohibited gender transitioning or gender reassignment procedures or treatments.

A court of this state has temporary emergency jurisdiction if: [...] the child has a parent or person acting as a parent who is present in this state and it is necessary to protect the child from receiving a treatment or procedure prohibited under Section 161.702, Health and Safety Code.

TX HB3548


Relating to local school health advisory councils and instruction regarding human sexuality, sexual orientation, and gender identity provided by public schools.

RESTRICTION ON INSTRUCTION REGARDING SEXUAL ORIENTATION AND GENDER IDENTITY. (a) A school district, open-enrollment charter school, or district or charter school employee may not provide or allow a third party to provide instruction, guidance, activities, or programming regarding sexual orientation or gender identity to students enrolled in prekindergarten through 12th grade.

TX HB3559


Relating to prohibiting consideration of certain factors regarding student financial assistance by public institutions of higher education.

An institution of higher education may not: (1) award student financial assistance based on race, sex, gender, or sexual orientation; or (2) pay for or advertise student financial assistance awarded based on race, sex, gender, or sexual orientation.

TX HB3616


Relating to prohibiting social transitioning assistance to minors by employees of governmental entities, including public schools, and health care facilities; authorizing civil penalties and loss of school funding.

(b) The board of trustees of a school district shall adopt a policy: (1) prohibiting an employee of the district from assisting a minor who is a student enrolled in the district with social transitioning, including by providing any information about social transitioning; and (2) requiring an employee of the district who becomes aware that a minor who is a student enrolled in the district is socially transitioning to notify a parent, managing or possessory conservator, or legal guardian of the minor. The board of trustees of a school district may not adopt a confidentiality policy that conflicts with a policy adopted under Subsection (b).

TX HB370


Relating to eligibility of certain events under the Events Trust Fund

(d) An event is not eligible for funding under this chapter if the event allows for a biological male to compete in a sport designated by rule or procedure for female athletes. (e) For purposes of this section: (1) An athlete's status as a biological male is determined by the biological sex correctly stated on: (A) the athlete's official birth certificate; or (B) if the athlete's official birth certificate described by Paragraph (A) is unobtainable, another government record that accurately states the athlete's biological sex; and (2) a statement of an athlete's biological sex on the athlete's official birth certificate is considered to have correctly stated the athlete's biological sex only if the statement was: (A) entered at or near the time of the athlete's birth; or (B) modified to correct a scrivener or clerical error in the student's biological sex.

TX HB3742


Relating to prohibiting public institutions of higher education from providing instruction regarding the use of gender pronouns.

An institution of higher education may not provide instruction that promotes the use of a gender pronoun inconsistent with a person's biological sex. (c) The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board shall adopt rules as necessary to implement this section.


Relating to creating the criminal offense of gender identity fraud.

GENDER IDENTITY FRAUD. (a) A person commits an offense if the person knowingly makes a false or misleading verbal or written statement to a governmental entity or the person's employer by identifying the person's biological sex as the opposite of the biological sex assigned to the person at birth.


Relating to the prohibited display of certain flags in governmental buildings or on governmental property; providing a civil penalty.

PROHIBITED DISPLAY. A governmental entity or employee of a governmental entity may not display an LGBTQ flag in a building or on property owned or controlled by the governmental entity, including a classroom.


Relating to the definition and use of the terms "male" and "female" for purposes of certain government documents.

A document, policy, survey, questionnaire, report, publication, notice, or other written or electronic material produced by a governmental entity or official may only reference two sexes, male and female, when requesting or providing information regarding an individual's sex.

TX HB4002


Relating to parental rights in public education and prohibiting instruction regarding sexual orientation or gender identity for public school students.

A school district shall require written parental consent as a condition of a student's participation in a student club that promotes themes of sexuality, gender, or gender identity.

TX HB4003


Relating to parental consent for certain activities engaged in by a school district employee or contractor with respect to the parent's child.

An employee or contractor of a school district must obtain the written informed consent of a child's parent each time before the employee or contractor may: (1) conduct a psychological or psychiatric examination or , test , or psychological or psychiatric treatment.

TX HB403


Relating to housing and placement of inmates and children according to biological sex.

PLACEMENT OF JUVENILES BASED ON BIOLOGICAL SEX. (a) In this section, "department" means the Texas Juvenile Justice Department. (b) A juvenile board created under Chapter 152, Human Resources Code, or the department, as applicable, shall place a child in a detention or correctional facility according to the child's biological sex, as determined by: (1) the child's official birth certificate, if the child's biological sex is correctly stated on the certificate as described by Subsection (c); or (2) if the child's official birth certificate described by Subdivision (1) is unobtainable, another government record that states the child's biological sex.

TX HB4040


Relating to prohibiting diversity, equity, and inclusion practices at school districts; authorizing an administrative penalty.

PROHIBITION ON DIVERSITY, EQUITY, AND INCLUSION PRACTICES. [...] "diversity, equity, and inclusion practices" means: [...] (3) developing or implementing policies, procedures, or training programs that reference [...] gender identity, or sexual orientation except as necessary to comply with state or federal law; and (4) compelling, requiring, inducing, or soliciting any person to provide a diversity, equity, and inclusion statement or giving preferential consideration to any person based on the provision of a diversity, equity, and inclusion statement.

TX HB4311


Relating to required reintegration therapy coursework and training for certain mental health professionals.

Each institution of higher education that offers a mental health professional degree program shall require students enrolled in the program to complete a course of instruction on reintegration therapy.

TX HB4318


Relating to protecting parents and other individuals from criminal investigations or prosecution for refusing to affirm a child's homosexual or transgender inclinations or efforts to obtain an abortion.


Relating to prohibitions on deceptive and unfair practices related to financial institutions discriminating in the provision of financial services to consumers and other persons.

A financial institution shall not: (1) discriminate in the provision of financial services to a person; [...] "Discriminate in the provision of financial services" means utilizing a social credit score to directly or indirectly decline to provide full and equal enjoyment in the provision of financial services, and includes refusing to provide, terminating, or restricting financial services. [...] "Social credit score" means any analysis, rating, scoring, list, or tabulation that evaluates any of the following: [...] (D) failure or refusal to conduct any type of racial, diversity, or gender audit or disclosure or to provide any sort of quota, preference, or benefit based, in whole or in part, on race, diversity, or gender; (E) failure or refusal to facilitate or assist employees in obtaining abortions or gender transition services;

TX HB4349


Relating to prohibiting a public institution of higher education from providing funding to a student organization that promotes diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives.

PROHIBITION ON FUNDING STUDENT ORGANIZATION THAT PROMOTES DIVERSITY, EQUITY, AND INCLUSION INITIATIVES. [...] An institution of higher education may not provide funding to a student organization that: (1) adopts a policy based on a diversity, equity, and inclusion initiative; (2) holds a program or event, including a third-party event, based on a diversity, equity, and inclusion initiative; (3) has an office or officer dedicated to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives; or (4) promotes a diversity, equity, and inclusion initiative.


Relating to the requirement by certain governmental entities for diversity, equity, and inclusion statements and training from employees, prospective employees, and contractors.

(a) A governmental entity shall ensure that each unit of the entity: (1) does not [...] (A) compel, require, induce, or solicit any employee or applicant for employment to provide a diversity, equity, and inclusion statement [...] or (B) require as a condition of hiring or continued employment any employee or applicant for employment to participate in diversity, equity, and inclusion training, which: (i) includes a training, program, or activity designed or implemented in reference to race, color, ethnicity, gender identity, or sexual orientation;

TX HB437


Relating to the placement of children in a detention or correctional facility according to biological sex.

PLACEMENT OF JUVENILES BASED ON BIOLOGICAL SEX. (a) In this section, "department" means the Texas Juvenile Justice Department. (b) A juvenile board created under Chapter 152, Human Resources Code, or the department, as applicable, shall place a child in a detention or correctional facility according to the child's biological sex, as determined by: (1) the child's official birth certificate, if the child's biological sex is correctly stated on the certificate as described by Subsection (c); or (2) if the child's official birth certificate described by Subdivision (1) is unobtainable, another government record that states the child's biological sex. (c) For purposes of this section, a statement of a child's biological sex on the child's official birth certificate is considered to have correctly stated the child's biological sex only if the statement was: (1) entered at or near the time of the child's birth; and (2) not modified except as necessary to correct any type of scrivener or clerical error in the child's biological sex. (d) The vital statistics unit of the Department of State Health Services may not charge a juvenile board or the department a fee to issue a birth certificate for use under this section.

TX HB4381


Relating to parental rights and required notification in public education; authorizing an administrative penalty.

NOTICE OF PARENTAL RIGHTS. (a) The agency shall create and maintain a [...] document [that] must: (1) include information regarding a parent's right to: (A) withhold consent for or exempt the parent's child from certain health-related activities and instruction; (B) access health-related information relating to the parent's child, including: (i) counseling records; (ii) psychological records; [...] (v) reports of behavioral patterns; (vii) any other health records or health-related information [...] (D) remove the parent's child temporarily from a class or other school activity that conflicts with the parent's religious or moral beliefs; (E) exempt the parent's child from health-related screenings or evaluations conducted by a school; [...] (G) withhold consent for or decline health-related services and treatment, including [...] psychological examinations, tests, and treatment;


Relating to prohibiting public officers and employees from displaying preferred gender pronouns; authorizing a private civil right of action.

WOKE TERMINOLOGY PROHIBITED IN PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT [...] No officer, employee, volunteer, or agent of a governmental entity may do any of the following [...]: (1) List, display, or provide a hyperlink to a person's preferred gender pronouns; [...] (3) Use any phrase that implies that men can become pregnant, such as "pregnant persons," "pregnant individuals," or "pregnant Texans"; (4) Use the term "gender-affirming care" [...] (5) Refer to any transgender individual with a noun that contravenes that individual's biological sex assigned at birth, i.e., a biological man who identifies as a woman may not be called a "transgender woman" or any phrase that implies that such an individual actually is a woman; (6) Use the terms "cisgender" and "cissexual";


Relating to municipal diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives.

PROHIBITION ON MUNICIPAL SPENDING OF PUBLIC MONEY ON DIVERSITY, EQUITY, AND INCLUSION INITIATIVES. [...] A municipality may not spend public money or provide compensation [...] to: (1) fund a department, program, office, or committee, or pay compensation to a person associated with a department, program, office, or committee, that is focused on formulating, promoting, or implementing a diversity, equity, and inclusion initiative; or (2) hire or contract with an independent vendor or contractor to formulate, promote, or implement a diversity, equity, and inclusion initiative.

TX HB4503


Relating to electronic health record requirements.

The commission, the Texas Medical Board, and the Texas Department of Insurance shall jointly ensure that: (1) each electronic health record prepared or maintained by a medical facility, health care practitioner, or governmental entity in this state includes a separate space for the health care practitioner to document: (A) an individual's biological sex as either male or female based on the individual's observed biological sex recorded by a health care practitioner at birth; and (B) information on any sexual development disorder of the individual, whether identified at birth or later in the individual's life; and (2) any algorithm or decision assistance tool included in an electronic health record to assist a health care practitioner in making medical treatment decisions is based on an individual's biological sex.


Relating to the Texas Antidiscrimination Act.

A governmental entity shall ensure that each unit of the entity [...] (1) does not [...] (A) establish or maintain a discriminatory office; [...] (E) require as a condition of employment any person to participate in discriminatory training, which: (i) includes a training, program, or activity designed or implemented in reference to [...] gender identity, or sexual orientation;

TX HB4710


Relating to traveling with a child to facilitate the provision of certain gender transitioning or gender reassignment procedures or treatments to that child; creating a criminal offense.

A person commits an offense if the person travels from this state to a location outside this state with a child who is a resident of this state to facilitate the child's ability to receive a procedure or treatment that would otherwise be prohibited by Section 161.702 if the procedure or treatment occurred in this state.

TX HB477


Relating to the required inclusion of a person's sex on a birth certificate and prohibited change of sex on the birth certificate of certain minors.

(c-1) The form must include a space for recording the biological sex of a child as either male or female.

TX HB5202


Relating to the governance of public institutions of higher education.

A governing board of an institution of higher education shall [...] not require, as part of a degree program or certificate program, the completion of a course [that...] promote the idea that [...] institutions in contemporary American society perpetuate oppression, injustice [...] by failing to actively differentiate on the basis of race, sex, or gender, except as part of a discussion regarding the effectiveness of, or potential revision to, anti-discrimination laws;

TX HB717


Relating to the right of a public school employee to engage in religious speech or prayer while on duty.

The right of an employee of a school district or open-enrollment charter school to engage in religious speech or prayer while on duty may not be infringed on by the district or school or another state governmental entity, unless the infringement is: (1) necessary to further a compelling state interest; and (2) narrowly tailored using the least restrictive means to achieve that compelling state interest.

TX HB778


Relating to required health benefit plan coverage for gender transition adverse effects and reversals.

(a) A health benefit plan that provides coverage for an enrollee's gender transition procedure or treatment shall provide coverage for: (1) all possible adverse consequences related to the enrollee's gender transition procedure or treatment, including any short- or long-term side effects of the procedure or treatment; (2) any testing or screening necessary to monitor the mental and physical health of the enrollee on at least an annual basis; and (3) any procedure or treatment necessary to reverse the enrollee's gender transition procedure or treatment. (b) A health benefit plan that offers coverage for a gender transition procedure or treatment shall also provide the coverage described by Subsection (a)to any enrollee who has undergone a gender transition procedure or treatment regardless of whether the enrollee was enrolled in the plan at the time of the procedure or treatment.

TX HB843


Relating to certain general definitions in the Code Construction Act.

(14) "Boy" means a child of the male sex. (15) "Father" means a parent of the male sex. (16) "Female" and "woman" mean an individual whose biological reproductive system is developed to produce ova. (17) "Girl" means a child of the female sex. (18) "Male" and "man" mean an individual whose biological reproductive system is developed to fertilize the ova of a female. (19) "Mother" means a parent of the female sex. (20) "Sex" means an individual's biological sex, either male or female.

TX HB847


Relating to a prohibition on funding for gender reassignment.

Sec. 2278.002. PROHIBITION ON USE OF TAXPAYER RESOURCES FOR GENDER REASSIGNMENT. (a) No funds authorized or appropriated by State law shall be expended for any gender reassignment. (b) No funds authorized or appropriated by State law shall be expended for health benefits that covers gender reassignment. (c) The prohibition in subsection (a) and (b) does not apply to gender reassignment to be performed on an intersex person.

TX HB931


Relating to the creation and dissolution of a covenant marriage.

A covenant marriage is a marriage entered into by one (1) male and one (1) female [...] The following statement made by both parties: We do solemnly declare that marriage is a covenant between a man and a woman who agree to live together as husband and wife for so long as we both may live.

TX HB938


Relating to a cause of action for drag performances performed in the presence of a minor.

"Drag performance" means a performance in which a performer exhibits a gender that is different than the performer's gender recorded at birth using clothing, makeup, or other physical markers and sings, lip syncs, dances, or otherwise performs in a lascivious manner before an audience.

TX HB947


Relating to affirmative defenses to prosecution for certain offenses involving material or conduct that is obscene or otherwise harmful to children.

TX HB973


Relating to prohibiting a court, administrative agency, or other tribunal from requiring certain amendments to a public school student's permanent record.

AMENDMENT OF STUDENT PERMANENT RECORD. (a) In this section, "biological sex" means the physical condition of being male or female as determined by the sex organs, chromosomes, and endogenous profile of the individual at birth. (b) A court, administrative agency, or other tribunal may not order or otherwise require a school district employee to amend a student's permanent record to reflect the student's sex to be different than the student's biological sex.

TX HB976


Relating to parental rights in public education and prohibiting certain instruction regarding sexual orientation or gender identity; authorizing a civil penalty.

RESTRICTION ON INSTRUCTION REGARDING SEXUAL ORIENTATION AND GENDER IDENTITY. [...] (b) A school district, open-enrollment charter school, or district or charter school employee may not provide or allow a third party to provide instruction regarding sexual orientation or gender identity: (1) to students enrolled in prekindergarten through eighth grade

TX HB980


Relating to the required inclusion of a person's sex on a birth certificate.

(c-1) The form must include a space for recording the biological sex of a child as either male or female. A child born with a Y chromosome must be classified as male and a child born without a Y chromosome must be classified as female. The method of classifying a child's biological sex used under this section applies to other laws of this state with respect to the determination of a person's sex or gender.

TX HB995


Relating to defenses to prosecution for certain criminal offenses involving material or conduct that may be obscene or is otherwise harmful to children.

TX HR144


Adopting the Housekeeping Resolution for the House of Representatives of the 89th Legislature.

MULTI-USE RESTROOM POLICY. (a) The Committee on House Administration shall adopt a policy limiting access to each multi-use restroom [...] to persons of the same biological sex.

TX SB1068


Relating to intercollegiate athletic competitions based on biological sex.

An intercollegiate athletic team sponsored or authorized by an out-of-state postsecondary educational institution may not compete in an intercollegiate athletic competition against an intercollegiate athletic team sponsored or authorized by an institution of higher education unless the out-of-state institution, not later than the 30th day before the date of the athletic competition, certifies to the institution of higher education that the out-of-state institution will comply with the requirements of Subsection (b) during the athletic competition.

TX SB1073


Relating to discrimination against or burdening certain constitutional rights of an applicant for or holder of a license to practice law in this state.

A rule or policy adopted or a penalty imposed under this chapter may not: (1) limit an applicant's ability to obtain a license to practice law in this state, or a state bar member's ability to maintain or renew the license, based on a sincerely held religious belief of the applicant or state bar member;

TX SB1127


Relating to charter schools, including the admission, enrollment, and employment policies of and the applicability of certain laws to open-enrollment charter schools.

Each charter granted under this subchapter must [...] prohibit discrimination in admission policy on the basis of sex, national origin, ethnicity, religion, disability, academic, artistic, or athletic ability, or the district the child would otherwise attend in accordance with this code, although the charter may: [...] (C) provide for an admission policy that limits admission to students of a single biological sex as correctly stated on the student's official birth certificate, as described by Section 33.0834(c), or, if the student's official birth certificate is unobtainable, another governmental record;

TX SB115


Relating to civil liability for, governmental health plan coverage of, and public funding for gender modification procedures and treatments.

(a) A health benefit plan that provides coverage for an enrollee's gender transition procedure or treatment shall provide coverage for: (1) all possible adverse consequences related to the enrollee's gender transition procedure or treatment, including any short- or long-term side effects of the procedure or treatment; (2) any testing or screening necessary to monitor the mental and physical health of the enrollee on at least an annual basis; and (3) any procedure or treatment necessary to reverse the enrollee's gender transition procedure or treatment. (b) A health benefit plan that offers coverage for a gender transition procedure or treatment shall also provide the coverage described by Subsection (a)to any enrollee who has undergone a gender transition procedure or treatment regardless of whether the enrollee was enrolled in the plan at the time of the procedure or treatment.

TX SB116


Relating to the statute of limitations on a health care liability claim involving certain gender modification drugs provided to and procedures performed on a minor.

Sec. 74.252. STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS ON HEALTH CARE LIABILITY CLAIMS INVOLVING CERTAIN GENDER MODIFICATION DRUGS AND PROCEDURES. A claimant must bring a health care liability claim not later than the claimant's 30th birthday if: (1) the claimant is a minor at the time the cause of action accrues; and (2) the basis for the claim is malpractice in the provision of a puberty suppression prescription drug or cross-sex hormone to or the performance of surgery or another medical procedure on the minor for the purpose of gender transitioning or gender reassignment.

TX SB1188


Relating to electronic health record requirements.

"Female" means an individual whose reproductive system is developed to produce ova. [...] "Male" means an individual whose reproductive system is developed to produce sperm.



Relating to parental rights in public education, to certain public school requirements and prohibitions regarding instruction and diversity, equity, and inclusion duties, and to student clubs at public schools.

PROHIBITION ON DIVERSITY, EQUITY, AND INCLUSION DUTIES. (a) In this section, "diversity, equity, and inclusion duties" means: [...] (3) developing or implementing policies, procedures, or training programs that reference race, color, ethnicity, gender identity, or sexual orientation) [...] (4) compelling, requiring, inducing, or soliciting any person to provide a diversity, equity, and inclusion statement or giving preferential consideration to any person based on the provision of a diversity, equity, and inclusion statement.

TX SB1257


Relating to required health benefit plan coverage for gender transition adverse effects and reversals.

A health benefit plan that provides coverage for an enrollee's gender transition procedure or treatment shall provide coverage for, including for any applicable diagnostic or billing code: (1) all possible adverse consequences related to the enrollee's gender transition procedure or treatment, including any short- or long-term side effects of the procedure or treatment; (2) any baseline and follow-up testing or screening necessary to monitor the mental and physical health of the enrollee on at least an annual basis without regard to the sex or gender identity designation in the enrollee's medical record; and (3) any procedure, treatment, or therapy necessary to manage, reverse, reconstruct from, or recover from the enrollee's gender transition procedure or treatment. (b) A health benefit plan that offers coverage for a gender transition procedure or treatment shall also provide the coverage [...] to any enrollee who has undergone a gender transition procedure or treatment regardless of whether the enrollee was enrolled in the plan at the time of the procedure or treatment.

TX SB1393


Relating to electronic health record requirements, including the recording of an individual's biological sex.

The Texas Medical Board [...shall] ensure that: (1) each electronic health record prepared or maintained by a health care provider in this state includes a separate space for the health care provider to record: (A) an individual's biological sex as either male or female based on the individual's observed biological sex recorded by a health care provider at birth; and (B) information on an individual's sexual development disorder, if applicable, whether identified at birth or later in the individual's life; and (2) any algorithm or decision tree included in an electronic health record for assisting a health care provider in making medical treatment decisions is based on an individual's biological sex.

TX SB1565


Relating to a school district's grievance procedure and to certain public school requirements and prohibitions regarding instruction and diversity, equity, and inclusion duties and the loss of funding for public schools that fail to comply with those provisions.

PROHIBITION ON DIVERSITY, EQUITY, AND INCLUSION DUTIES. (a) In this section, "diversity, equity, and inclusion duties" means: [...] (3) developing or implementing policies, procedures, or training programs that reference race, color, ethnicity, gender identity, or sexual orientation [...] (4) compelling, requiring, inducing, or soliciting any person to provide a diversity, equity, and inclusion statement or giving preferential consideration to any person based on the provision of a diversity, equity, and inclusion statement.

TX SB1696


Relating to the inclusion of a person's sex on certain government documents and identification cards.

A person required to file a birth certificate under this section shall ensure the biological sex of a child, as determined by the sex organs, chromosomes, or endogenous profile of the child, is listed in the appropriate space on the child's birth certificate. A person required to report a birth under this section shall report the child's biological sex to the local registrar, and the local registrar shall list the biological sex in the appropriate space on the birth certificate.

TX SB1702


Relating to a parent's right to receive notice each time the parent's child obtains a school library material.

A school district shall notify a parent of each child enrolled in the district by e-mail each time the parent's child obtains a school library material from a school library in the district. The notice must include the title and author of the school library material.



Relating to prohibiting municipal libraries that host certain events from receiving state or other public funding.

A municipal library may not receive state or other public funds if the library hosts an event at which a man presenting as a woman or a woman presenting as a man reads a book or a story to a minor for entertainment and the person being dressed as the opposite gender is a primary component of the entertainment.

TX SB1953


Relating to the inclusion of a person's biological sex on certain government documents and identification cards.

Relating to the inclusion of a person's biological sex on certain government documents and identification cards. [...] The form must include a space for recording the biological sex of a child as either male or female.

TX SB1999


Relating to protection for certain individuals' use of terms consistent with biological sex.

PROTECTION FOR USE OF TERMS CONSISTENT WITH BIOLOGICAL SEX. A school district or open-enrollment charter school may not discipline, retaliate against, or otherwise discriminate against a district or school employee or student who addresses a student or district or school employee in terms consistent with the biological sex of the student or employee.


Relating to the implementation of diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives by providers of electric service.

PROHIBITION ON CERTAIN DIVERSITY, EQUITY, AND INCLUSION INITIATIVES [...] An electric utility, municipally owned utility, or retail electric provider shall ensure that each unit of the utility or provider does not [...] establish or maintain a diversity, equity, and inclusion office [...] "Diversity, equity, and inclusion office" means [...] (D) conducting trainings, programs, or activities designed or implemented in reference to [...] gender identity, or sexual orientation.

TX SB240


Relating to regulations and policies for entering or using certain private spaces; authorizing a civil penalty.

"Biological sex" means the physical condition of being male or female, as determined by: (A) the sex organs, chromosomes, and endogenous profiles of a person; and (B) a person's original birth certificate, if the biological sex is correctly stated on the birth certificate, as indicated by the biological sex being: (1) entered at or near the time of birth; or (2) modified only to correct a scrivener or clerical error in the biological sex.

TX SB242


Relating to affirmative defenses to prosecution for certain criminal offenses involving material or conduct that may be obscene or is otherwise harmful to children.

TX SB2614


Relating to certain requirements and penalties regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives at a medical and dental unit.

Relating to certain requirements and penalties regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives at a medical and dental unit [...] for academic course instruction. [...] If the state auditor determines pursuant to a compliance audit conducted under Subsection (g) that a medical or dental unit has spent state money to offer academic course instruction in violation of this section, the medical or dental unit must cure the violation [...] to avoid incurring the penalty described by Subsection (h)(2).

TX SB2714


Relating to a prohibition on public institutions of higher education requiring students to enroll in certain courses to complete a certificate or degree program, using such courses to satisfy general education requirements, funding such courses using state appropriations, or requiring related faculty practices, and to freshman student orientation at those institutions.

The governing board of an institution of higher education shall [...] not require [...] a course [that...] do any of the following: (1) relate to contemporary American society the topic of [...] systemic or structural bias, [...] gender identity, social justice, cultural competence, decolonization, allyship, race-based reparations, race- or gender-based privilege, race- or gender-based diversity, race- or gender-based equity, race- or gender-based inclusion, race- or gender-based stratification, race- or gender-based power, or race- or gender-based marginalization;

TX SB2749


Relating to the definition of abuse or neglect of a child.

EXCLUSIONS. In this chapter, "abuse" and "neglect," as defined in Sec. 261.001, do not include the refusal of the child's parent, legal guardian, or other person responsible for a child's care, custody, or welfare to: (a) affirm the child's expressed sexual orientation or gender identity; or (b) address the child according to the child's preferred name or pronoun(s), regardless of whether the child has legally changed their name.

TX SB2920


Relating to the regulation of steroid use by students participating in athletic competitions sponsored or sanctioned by the University Interscholastic League.

Subsection (b)(1) does not apply to the use by a student of a steroid that is dispensed, prescribed, delivered, and administered by a medical practitioner for a valid medical purpose and in the course of professional practice, and a student is not subject to a period of ineligibility under Subsection (d)(6) on the basis of that steroid use. A valid medical purpose does not include the provision of steroids to a minor student to transition the student's biological sex.

TX SB2943


Relating to discrimination by a state agency against an applicant for or holder of an occupational license.

A state agency that issues a license or otherwise regulates a business, occupation, or profession may not adopt any rule, regulation, or policy or impose a penalty that: (1) limits an applicant's ability to obtain, maintain, or renew a license based on a sincerely held religious belief of the applicant; or (2) burdens an applicant's or a license holder's: (A) free exercise of religion [...] (B) freedom of speech regarding a sincerely held religious belief; or (C) membership in any religious organization.

TX SB2946


Relating to prohibiting public institutions of higher education from offering programs or courses in DEI studies.

An institution of higher education may not offer a certificate or degree program, including any major or minor, or course, in diversity, equity, and inclusion, including but not limited to, promoting differential treatment of individuals on the basis of race, color, or ethnicity.

TX SB306


Relating to the protection of expressive activities at public institutions of higher education.

An institution of higher education may not take action against a student organization or deny the organization any benefit generally available to other student organizations at the institution on the basis of: (1) a [...] religious [...] viewpoint expressed by the organization or of any expressive activities of the organization; (2) a requirement of the organization that the organization's leaders or members: (A) affirm and adhere to the organization's sincerely held beliefs; (B) comply with the organization's standards of conduct; or (C) further the organization's mission or purpose.

TX SB406


Relating to the required inclusion of a person's sex on a birth certificate and prohibited change of sex on the birth certificate of certain persons.

(c-1) The form must include a space for recording the biological sex of a person as either male or female.

TX SB412


Relating to defenses to prosecution for certain offenses involving material or conduct that is obscene or otherwise harmful to children.

TX SB619


Relating to protection of persons from participation in a health care service for reasons of conscience; providing a civil remedy; authorizing disciplinary action.

RIGHT TO DECLINE PARTICIPATION IN HEALTH CARE SERVICE FOR REASONS OF CONSCIENCE; CONSTRUCTION OF SUBCHAPTER. (a) Except as provided by Subsection (b), a person may decline to participate in a health care service for reasons of conscience.

TX SB689


Relating to the implementation of diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives by certain governmental entities.

A governmental entity shall ensure that each unit of the entity does not, except as required by federal law: (1) establish or maintain a diversity, equity, and inclusion office; or (2) hire or assign an employee of the entity or contract with a third party to perform the duties of a diversity, equity, and inclusion office.

TX SB753


Relating to prohibiting certain conduct by physicians and health care providers involving gender transitioning and gender reassignment procedures and treatments for children; creating a criminal offense.

A physician or health care provider may not knowingly: [...] (5) refer a child to a health care practitioner who is licensed or otherwise authorized to provide health care in another state, to facilitate the child's ability to receive in the other state a procedure or treatment that would otherwise be prohibited by this section if the procedure or treatment occurred in this state.

TX SB762


Relating to the display of flags in public schools.

A public elementary or secondary school may not display or permit an employee, agent, volunteer, or student to display on school property any flag other than [...] In this section, "display" means to exhibit or place an object anywhere students may see the object.

TX SB810


Relating to protection for a public school employee's use of terms consistent with biological sex.

PROTECTION FOR USE OF TERMS CONSISTENT WITH BIOLOGICAL SEX. A school district or open-enrollment charter school may not discipline, retaliate against, or otherwise discriminate against a district or school employee who addresses a student or another district or school employee in terms consistent with the biological sex of the student or employee.



Relating to the definition and use of the terms "male" and "female" for purposes of certain government documents.

(1) "Female" means an individual whose biological reproductive system is developed to produce ova. [...] (3) "Male" means an individual whose biological reproductive system is developed to fertilize the ova of a female.



Relating to parental rights in public education and prohibiting instruction regarding sexual orientation or gender identity for public school students.

INSTRUCTION REGARDING SEXUAL ORIENTATION AND GENDER IDENTITY PROHIBITED. A school district, open-enrollment charter school, or district or charter school employee may not provide or allow a third party to provide instruction regarding sexual orientation or gender identity to students enrolled in the district or school.



Relating to defenses to prosecution for certain criminal offenses involving material or conduct that may be obscene or is otherwise harmful to children.


Relating to prohibitions on deceptive and unfair practices related to financial institutions discriminating in the provision of financial services to consumers and other persons.

"Discriminate in the provision of financial services" means utilizing a social credit score to directly or indirectly decline to provide full and equal enjoyment in the provision of financial services, and includes refusing to provide, terminating, or restricting financial services. [...] "Social credit score" means any analysis, rating, scoring, list, or tabulation that evaluates any of the following: [...] (D) failure or refusal to conduct any type of racial, diversity, or gender audit or disclosure or to provide any sort of quota, preference, or benefit based, in whole or in part, on race, diversity, or gender; (E) failure or refusal to facilitate or assist employees in obtaining abortions or gender transition services;

TX SB965


Relating to the right of a public school employee to engage in religious speech or prayer while on duty.

The right of an employee of a school district or open-enrollment charter school to engage in religious speech or prayer while on duty may not be infringed on by the district or school or another state governmental entity, unless the infringement is: (1) necessary to further a compelling state interest; and (2) narrowly tailored using the least restrictive means to achieve that compelling state interest.

TX SB983


Relating to local school health advisory councils and instruction regarding human sexuality, sexual orientation, and gender identity provided by public schools.

Sec. 28.0043. RESTRICTION ON INSTRUCTION REGARDING SEXUAL ORIENTATION AND GENDER IDENTITY. (a) A school district, open-enrollment charter school, or district or charter school employee may not provide or allow a third party to provide instruction, guidance, activities, or programming regarding sexual orientation or gender identity to students enrolled in prekindergarten through 12th grade.